Then it should be illegal to have no children, because if everyone had no children, we would literally go extinct.
Then it should be illegal to have no children, because if everyone had no children, we would literally go extinct.
Which ones do you deem important?
I wonder, if dog lovers here would be just as chill, if someone would respond something like “Yeah, we rip apart doggies for fun… because it’s fun”. :D
Dogs are vicious, that’s why. Not even talking about the fighting dogs, which rip apart babies. I’m talking about small “cute” dogs, that bite girls and rip apart their toys for fun… Yeah, had that all happen to young women I got to know in my life and they are all traumatised.
You got the idea from here, right? :D
Running Gitea and want to mirror worthwhile repositories, hence this post. :)
Okay, but are they in danger of being removed? I think, they should be very well preserved…
Nice, noted. Do you have any other projects on your mind?
Thanks for your suggestion. Do you have a list of Github URLs of the ones most important to you?
What if some people do not fit into some pre-made construction of how some dictator imagines a “nice living situation”? Every person is an individual with individual needs. Presuming, that a single bedroom is big or small enough for every single person is absolutely undermining the fact of how diverse people actually are, as are their visions of their own lives.