29 days agoIt’s why I personally detest horror movies where the enemy/monster/force can make you see things or get in your head. There’s no agency at that point, because everything just happens as it needs to for the writers and there’s no longer any need for internal consistency or boundaries.
I think it’s just because it’s so easy. Comas and everything you see being a reference to the real world is just as simple as making an entirely new story, but you can say it’s the real story. Any and every contradiction that your take has can be explained with the dream and reality interplay.
Why would folks who aren’t professional writers not use the ‘easy button’ that even professional writers use?
For anyone who wants to laugh at these fools, you can look up the public website ‘police one.’ Try to watch their ‘1 minute training’ videos without boggling at the idiocy that is being presented to cops in amerikkka. When I worked for a police agency (for way too long for how short the time period was), the higher echelons would send the videos out to be watched routinely.