It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk He’s telling us what he will do to his political enemies if he’s president again. Is anyone listening?
I feel pretty safe in saying that we can now stop giving him the benefit of that particular doubt. His use—twice; once on social media, and then repeated in a speech—of the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies cannot be an accident. That’s an unusual word choice. It’s not a smear that one just grabs out of the air. And it appears in history chiefly in one context, and one context only.
Trump needs to be locked up before he starts a civil war, which is probably his goal tbh.
I think it’s coming regardless. The losing party of the next presidential election will probably be the one to rise up, regardless of which party it is. Honestly, if Trump wins, I can see the left revolting, and if Trump loses, I can see the hard right revolting. I think it’s a lose/lose situation.
People have been talking about the unindicted traitor since J6 and the media pretends Nazis hushing up means no one is talking about it. Anyone still pretending he’s a legitimate candidate for office has their head up their ass.
He was elected once and I hate to say it but there’s still a chance he’ll be elected again. He isn’t legitimate in the sense that he has no sense of decorum or history or human decency but he could be elected.
He’s constitutionally ineligible for office.