It actually manages to get some food from it with the long beak. I also suspect it to be the bird who picks up the peanut that I lay out in one of the flower pots every day.
Wow! He (She?) is awesome.
Right? I was hyped seeing it there. I saw it before in the tree, pecking along, but never near my balcony.
He. See the red spot at the back of his head. Females lack that. Juveniles (of any gender, I believe) actually have a red cap!
Thanks for the info, i did not know.
Nice spotting (tee hee)
Great spotting!
What kind of feeder is this?
I built this myself from sticks, wire, a plastic lid from a box of licorice, a lid with seeds and a small plastic bucket with some fatty homemade tit food. I stuck it into the flower pot, but it is quite shaky due to pigeons landing on top of it. And parakeets and apparently woodpeckers :)
Better view of it: