I’m 95% certain it was snow leopard, because I remember making a special trip to comp usa to get it on release day. I didn’t do that for Lion. I might even have skipped that one entirely. I still have that snow leopard disc, somewhere
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It said:
Edit: Google says I’m misremembering. Kinda funny considering the point of this article is that with how long ago Snow Leopard launched, our memory of the details have fades.
I’m 95% certain it was snow leopard, because I remember making a special trip to comp usa to get it on release day. I didn’t do that for Lion. I might even have skipped that one entirely. I still have that snow leopard disc, somewhere
Were you not able to see my edit? Sometimes lemmy has issues federating edits.
It said:
All I remember is being disappointed by Lion. I don’t remember why, I just remember that that one kinda sucked.