It makes me really sad to realize Mike Judge was only wrong about one thing in Idiocracy… that it would take 400 years for us to get there…because here we are, not even 20 years later.

    3 months ago

    It wasn’t about genetics, IQ is polygenic, and really not inheritable because of that.

    It was about memetic inheritance, the people who would have raised curious and motivated kids, didn’t.

    And the ones who didn’t give a shit but liked boning and hated condoms had a bunch of kids they just sat in front of a TV.

    It’s been a while, but I don’t think they blamed genetics directly, they just didn’t spell it out in detail and people who didn’t know what they meant have apparently latched onto what you said?

    At least one other person in this thread anyways, which is weird, I’ve never seen this claim before. Is it a tiktok thing?