Add in that literally no historical evidence appears to exist to suggest that accelerationism has ever had efficacy.
Its adherents are just doing their best to make other people suffer with a pie-in-the-sky hope that being class-traitors and offering up vulnerable groups as blood sacrifice will result, not just in a workers’ revolution but one that achieves their personal utopia, instead of getting coopted by theocracy or totalitarian dictatorships, as has frequently happened in history.
Add in that literally no historical evidence appears to exist to suggest that accelerationism has ever had efficacy.
Its adherents are just doing their best to make other people suffer with a pie-in-the-sky hope that being class-traitors and offering up vulnerable groups as blood sacrifice will result, not just in a workers’ revolution but one that achieves their personal utopia, instead of getting coopted by theocracy or totalitarian dictatorships, as has frequently happened in history.