They only have to list all 10 games on that app. Easiest article ever.

  • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.worldOP
    25 days ago

    You’re not wrong. There’s a good amount of great games on that list.

    The problem is that these are straight ports, bugs, and all.

    The worst part is the janky controls.

    On goldeneye, perfect dark and jetforce gemini you have to remap the controls on the switch settings and select a different control configuration in game to make them playable and even then the sticks are way too sensitive with no calibration options.

    They release goldeneye on xbox 360 and fixed alot if not all of these issues and upscaled and widescreened everything, and it was a much better experience.

    Some games play well, mario and banjoe kazooie are good. Not had any problems with waverace.

    Lylat wars is a bit messy.

    Pokemon stadium is fine, but less fun without the game boy attachment to transfer pokemon to use in battle.

    Paper mario is great.

    But this is just the 64. Then theres the snes, nes gameboy, advance and genesis. Each with a plethora of games I’ve never heard of, despite these being the consoles i had as a child.

    I just think this wasn’t what they sold to us when it was announced, and it shouldn’t take 3 months to release a new title that no one has ever heard of.