Hi, Im thinking about moving from gmail elsewhere but Im wondering if I should use my own domain for it, I dont have the domain yet but how to deal with whois lookup privacy? (Im EU based) are there any other issues I may run into if I chose my own domain over opening a account on posteo.de or mailbox.org with their domain. I know owning my domain will give me freedom to move my email elsewhere if I would want but I dont know if its worth it.

  • Swarfega@lemm.ee
    20 hours ago

    I have a domain and it points to SimpleLogin. I then have 400 aliases that all point to a proton email address which I give out to no one. If I don’t like Proton or want to use Proton and Tuta, I can direct my mail to both at the same time. I can also respond as any of the aliases from either mailbox.

    SimpleLogin gives me the ability to point all 400 aliases to a new mailbox in minutes. No more going around every website to use my new email address like I did in the past.