do you know what MKULTRA is?
do you know what MKULTRA is?
Thanks, i touch grass every day.
It wasn’t as bad as i thought it was going to be.
im aware. I just don’t like jumping to conclusions.
that doesn’t bode well for vaccines, but we will see what that means for masks.
ill wait and see with him. hes a geriatric tv host.
did he say that though?
mabye in your circles but no one here gives a shit other than the drunks on the street.
horseshoe theory, let me get a little bit of that horseshoe theory.
what the fuck?
sigh…just bickering at each other…never making progress.
who is banning masks?
Yeah, America, meaning USA. The rest of the world is tired of hearing it.
Oh my god your so edgy!
Why is America so fucked up on both sides?
ok i think i might be gen x now.
I don’t.
nice troll.