Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The way I see AI being implemented into Firefox, regardless of whether it’s gonna be opt-in or out in the future is that they need to keep up with the latest browser trends in the future. If they don’t, they will definitely lose more of whatever probably small amount of remaining normies who don’t use edge or chrome but instead opt for Firefox. They’re not tech literate enough to see a conveniently placed ad telling them that xyz browser now uses AI security features and Firefox doesn’t and discern the fact that it’s a ploy to get them to switch. We need more normies if we really want a chance to keep Firefox more than just treadingn water, and the best way is to offer more random bullshit of the week to keep them from switching to a competitor.

  • I personally love having extra storage that I can upgrade to whenever I want on a mobile device. Allows me to have things like all my music and text documents on a separate device so I don’t have to worry about most of my internal storage being taken up by these files (mostly music). Local music files are also pretty important to me because I don’t always like being connected to the Internet just to listen to my favorite songs.

    Also, there isn’t a single online cloud storage solution that I know of that I trust. I’d set myself up my own, but I trust myself even less for things like that. Last thing I want is either me setting one up and getting my files deleted by random script kiddies finding a way in or for a pre-existing cloud storage provider to suddenly delete my files because they’re updating the service so people on lower tiers get less storage.

    With headphones, I personally just love the ability to listen at any point without having to worry whether the headphones I’m using need charged. I personally don’t love the idea of getting a little dongle to connect to my phone just for plugging in wired headphones because that’s just another thing I could easily lose. Similar reason to why I hate short cords in general: easier for me to lose, as has happened plenty of times in the past.