He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

  • 27 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2019


  • The vast majority of their userbase already puts up with it, so I doubt they will see any significant backlash. Even if all the FLOSS creators leave, they’re still a tiny minority because it’s “”“influencer”“” channels like the Pauls and content farms like Bright Side that are the real cash cows on the platform.

    Also, a huge part of their userbase is children. Probably more than any other mainstream social media platform. They won’t even understand the concept of DRM or corporate bullshittery and will only use the YouTube app or browser anyway. Kids are also less likely to be bothered by ads, might not even understand what the purpose of an ad is, in fact they will just see them as more content which is why advertising to kids is so unreasonably effective.

  • I’m going to seriously consider completely discontinuing watching YouTube if NewPipe stops working. I still like plenty of non-FLOSS oriented channels that will never even consider a FLOSS or open web solution, but I think I owe it to myself to not accept Google’s bullshit, not even use it from the browser, with or without the adblock ban. Not to protest Google’s actions because I don’t care, but to uphold my own values and interests. I need to heed my own advice and extended rants about big tech.

  • Because in order to federate, user data needs to be shared, including the username. It prevents double votes from the same account and also allows votes to be rescinded at the user’s discretion, at which point the instance will send effectively an undo signal for the activity.

    The first rule of the Fediverse is to make sure you’re perfectly okay with the entire internet seeing your account activity, including votes and favourites. If you’re unsure or are worried you might regret it, best not to post it at all. This is equally true on all social media but the way the Fediverse works just makes it more obvious.

  • Also, if you were added against your will, especially to somewhere like that, why would you not remove yourself immediately? He’s the cofounder of Reddit, it’s not like we’re talking about some rando who checks his account once a year and doesn’t pay attention to potential changes they didn’t make, PLUS he’s literally an admin with server side access which makes any claims of “well you couldn’t remove yourself once added as a mod” invalid, there is no way he didn’t notice it and no way he could not remove himself. He wanted to be there and wholeheartedly endorsed such content being hosted from Reddit until the public rightfully got outraged and forced them to ban it.

  • I was going to opine about how “this is the problem with centralized cloud-based providers, at the drop of a hat they can be acquired and suddenly your content is owned by a company you wanted nothing to do with,” but then again, you chose Google as your domain provider. I think that’s your fault.

    I’d usually say the solution is to self host whenever a cloud provider has a shitshow like this, but in this case that’s not viable unless you want to go all the way up to becoming your own domain registrar or making your own top-level domain. Symptom that maybe the domain name system is broken, maybe we should campaign for it to be opened up for anyone to register their own domain, or least have a reputable co-op or community-owned domain registrar (maybe the open source/fediverse community can pool our funds to set up a nonprofit publicly owned registrar).

    Remember that the fediverse entirely runs on the domain name system as the domain of the instance is used to identify it, and all the security measures relating to inter-instance data sharing is relying on the security of the domains.