Everything in your bulleted list sounds like ADHD to me. The fact that you wrote out a post of your thoughts which included a bulleted list sounds like ADHD to me.
I’m not a professional of course. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, so I’ve lived with this for a long time. The quote in your post could have applied to me as a hyperactive child on some days but does not apply to me now; not just from maturing and aging, but also a lifetime of developing coping skills and self-restraint.
But regardless, everyone is different. I wouldn’t put too much in stock with one quote.
But also, I have no idea what a creyos ADHD assessment is either. If it’s just some free online test I wouldn’t necessarily put too much in stock with its results either…
But yeah, it sounds like ADHD to me
If it’s a paid service your psychiatrist uses and your doctor trusts the results, then I would too.
Why do you doubt the results if you’re trying to get help? Isn’t that the point of reaching out to a doctor in the first place?