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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I don’t know what world you live in where you can plug those things in for a “few minutes” and it be good for weeks of use.

    I am sick of apple apologists saying apple didnt want people using their wireless mouse plugged in. If that was the case they’d also make their wireless keyboard charge port be on the bottom.

    Fact is it’s a shitty design that they’ve been too lazy to change or update for over a decade.

    Also, industrial design is not “art.” It is a craft that, when wielded responsibly, creates a product that is as user friendly as possible.

  • App Window management in Mac OS is beyond infuriating. Time ago it was non existent so you had to download a third party app to enable a clunky version, now it exists but you have to right click on the green dot and hope the snapping menu pops up (sometimes it opens some other menu). I just want MS Windows style “move an app window to the side of the screen and have it automatically snap to take up that half (or quarter)” not the clunky idiotic implementation Apple has provided. The number of hours I have racked up wasting my time resizing and moving windows around manually is obscene.

    Also hardware related: the fucking charging port on the magic mouse will go down in history as the stupidest, anti-user design decision in human history.

  • This isn’t really an answer to your question but it is related, and sticks in my mind as one of the biggest red flags of Apple’s constant enshitification after Steve Jobs’ death:

    At some point in the Big Cat line of MacOS they either changed or forgot to implement a simple UI label change for a function—that being ejecting a “disk” (be it external usb device, optical media, application installer, etc.) the usual way to do it is of course dragging it to the trash—this has been the way in MacOS since time immemorial, and in the big cat series of the mid 2000’s when you performed this function the label “Trash” would change to “Eject” (the trash can would also change to an eject icon—icon may still change? I only have a Mac at work these days so can’t double check)

    Anyway, this has been the case since about… 2011? Nowadays it just says “Trash” regardless of what you are either trying to delete or eject.

    Other things like the angled corners of the new iPhones not really jiving with the swipe up of the buttonless models: this gesture made sense with the rounded edges of the iPhone 6–not so much the 12 and on.

    The little touches that are missing these days just show that the company does not hold itself to the same QA standards it once did and clearly has some very disconnected / dysfunctional interdepartmental communication.

  • I know people hate subscription models but really nothing beats Adobe Creative Cloud, also if you’re using it for business purposes the monthly fee really isn’t anything. just be aware that you are locked into a yearly sub at a monthly rate so if you cancel before the year is up you’ll still owe the remaining amount. I think they have a bundle that is just photoshop illustrator and indesign (at least they used to).

  • I can tell you as someone who is forced to work professionally on a Mac this is by far the stupidest design choice the company has ever made. It’s a lightning port, could easily be fit into the front of the mouse with a basic alteration to the body. I have a backup mouse for when my mouse dies in the middle of working and I don’t wanna stop and wait 20 mins to charge the damn mouse. I also have a wired dell mouse but it only supports up-down scrolling so I prefer to just have two magic mice.