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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Yep.

    TVs, Fridges, Toilets, Dishwashers, Clothes Washers/Dryers, Thermostats, and a whole range of other things do not, and will never need, access to the internet.

    By giving them access to the internet, you are just lighting a fuse and waiting for the bomb to go off. Maybe that bomb is personal banking details, maybe that bomb is financial in that someone cranks your AC up to 150 when you are gone for a week and come home to house full of heat damage and melt, or maybe that bomb is a 3d printer that turned on, malfunctioned, and burned your house down.

    IoT is stupid.

  • Streaming has become cable 2.0.

    It was wonderful when everything was on one, maybe two providers. Could watch everything in a very easy, very affordable way.

    But everyone saw that, went “I know, I want that money!” and spent billions building their own individual infrastructures so make their own streaming services, and right around we go right back to the absolute worst days of cable and bullshit.

    Only thing stopping me from saying fuck it and downloading shit I want to watch, is the fact that I no longer know what the good sites are… since I havent pirated since the heyday of the bay.