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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I don’t agree with everything the guy above you said, but my circumstances are very similar to his.

    I have friends, but they don’t know anyone they can introduce me to.

    Sports are off the table due to both health problems and a lack of interest (do you really want group activities to be full of disinterested guys just there to chat up chicks?), never mind that they’re all heavily male-dominated around here.

    Local councils put on events, but they are either for children, for mothers, or for seniors.

    Everything has been turned into a product to be sold to you, almost every event costs money, and when you do pony up the events are somewhere between borderline scams and actual scams.

    This is a recurring issue with this subject. Someone offers advice, someone points out why that advice isn’t very applicable, and the first person makes no attempt to “adapt and overcome” themselves and either a) offer better advice, or b) admit that they don’t have any better suggestions.

  • Maybe I’m just weird but I think the tech focus is better.

    Like that’s where all this started. Kevin Rose wanted a better version of Slashdot, a tech news aggregator, so he created Digg.

    And Digg was about tech news for several years before going to a general format, at which point it became trash.

    And then Digg’s redesign killed the site and everyone flocked to a Digg clone called reddit, even though reddit was a clone of post-shittification Digg, not pre-shittification Digg.

    Being tech-focussed really does help. I’d sooner deal with Well Actually neckbeards than the average Facebook user, even if I’m not just interested in tech news.