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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2022


  • Hmm, interesting. Here in Germany, power companies are partially privatized and I always thought, whomever came up with that nonsense took inspiration from the turbo-capitalism in the USA. Apparently not.

    Do they need to be profitable, though, in your model? It mostly sounds like a traditional public service, where the government could just tell them to use the money for solar…

  • As far as I understand the description at the top of the image, no, storage is not included. But if production costs are insanely low, that of course does leave plenty room for storage or redundancy. In particular, personally I believe the costs will continue on a logarithmic drop and we’re at the steep part of that, so even if it really is not the case today, I do expect solar production + storage to become cheaper in a not too distant future.

    Also, as another graphic from the source article illustrates, battery costs are rapidly dropping, too:

  • Hi, I’m a human being, not an “anti nuke propagandist”. I just checked, if there’s newer data, and well, there is, but no one seems to have formatted that in a way yet, which you or me would be willing to digest.

    Personally, my impression has been that the solar industry was one of the industries that was pretty much completely unaffected by COVID, so I felt this graph was still perfectly relevant.
    But even if it were strongly affected, I do not see why our technological progress in manufacturing, that we had in 2019, should evaporate with COVID.
    There is inflation and a rise in natural catastrophes, but I feel like those would affect nuclear and others roughly proportional.

  • I was considering whether this is just a shitpost, but your other comments suggest that you’re completely serious. It does not go away. Radioactive decay causes multiple transitions between radioactive elements until it ends up as lead, which does not decay further.

    Of course, it should also be said that it’s better to have no waste than waste that eventually turns into lead.
    And that it’s still better to have waste than waste which also happens to be toxic.

  • The source article actually talks about this and measured data suggests nuclear cost actually went up, despite more capacity being built.

    This is the first time, I’ve read this anywhere. More sources/studies would be really important. And there is lots of interpretations to be had on the why, but assuming the article isn’t completely off the mark, that’s cold, hard data suggesting that your (perfectly reasonable) assumption is actually wrong, after all.

  • There is this vision for the future, where people can use the battery in their electric car (or a separately bought battery) to store power, either produced by their own cheap solar or from the grid during over-production. And then some software could sell that energy back into the grid at night or during high demand.

    If that becomes a reality, we might have it at least so that if a chunk of the grid gets cut off for a bit, it can actually tide that over.

  • Yeah, there may be situations/regions where even the cheapest solar isn’t good enough. But at some point, the cost difference does become an oppressive argument. Even at that price in 2019 already, you can use around 75% of your money to build storage or redundancy in multiple regions / with alternative renewables.

    And this trend of cost reduction for solar will very likely continue, even if it might start levelling off at some point.

  • Well, I’m mostly a backend dev, so my favorite part is that I don’t have to write JavaScript. 🙃

    You might be more adept at navigating it, but that language is just a minefield of unexpected behaviour and has a massive, complex ecosystem.

    I’m using Rust to compile to WASM (has the most mature tooling for that, as far as I’m aware) with Leptos as the UI framework.

    You write your HTML and CSS like normal, but JS is replaced with Rust code.

    And well, one big advantage is that since my backend is in Rust, too, I can use the exact same models, constants etc. in backend and frontend. If they drift apart, that’s a compile error.
    (You do get this advantage, too, if you use NodeJS for the backend.)

    But aside from me not liking JavaScript, there’s lots of little things that make Rust a pleasure to use here.
    Rust’s sum types (Option, Result etc.) match really nicely with the infos you need for crafting a UI. Like, just yesterday I simply wanted to load a list of songs (Vec) and thought, I’ll do the error handling later, but Rust’s paradigms still eventually left me with a Result, Error> (contains either the song list or an error message).

    At that point, I could have still just told it explode, if there’s an error, but then I realized, oh yeah, if I can’t load the list of songs, that Error is precisely what I want to show to the user.

    And then you don’t have to deal with horrid ternaries. Instead you get full pattern matching, so my UI code now looks roughly like this:

    let song_list_result = load_song_list().await;
    match song_list_result {
      Ok(song_list) => 
      Err(cause) => <span>{cause}</span>

    I did leave out quite a bit of the boilerplate there, so this isn’t valid code, but point is, it’s a hundred times better than passing data and error in separate variables, separately checking, if they’re non-null and never quite knowing what all the legal states are, since both could be intentionally null or uninitialized null or unintentionally null or both non-null. It’s so much complexity that you just don’t have.

    And ultimately, yeah, I chose the word “fun” quite intentionally there. You get the cool parts of frontend, i.e. lots of visual feedback and something to show, while leaving out most of the downsides, i.e. fugly code.

    There is, of course, different downsides to the WASM/Rust/Leptos stack, like it simply being a very new ecosystem. You can’t yet pull in dozens of component libraries and so may have to build things more often yourself. And it isn’t yet as tried-and-tested as some of the bigger frameworks, plus Leptos is still going through breaking changes.

    So, yeah, maybe don’t yet switch over everything at your dayjob, and of course, if you know Rust already, that’s quite the advantage, but overall, I do quite recommend it and feel like it’ll become a lot more relevant in the future.

  • Ah, probably shouldn’t have abbreviated there. “OS automation” meaning “operating system automation”, as in scripted deployment and configuration of software, similar to Ansible, Puppet, Saltstack etc…

    I’ve mostly been frustrated with how relatively little assistance these tools give you. Your IDE obviously won’t tell you what values can be put into a given configuration slot, nor will it auto-complete the right values, if everything is written in goshdarn YAML.
    And so, this has mostly been an exercise in creating such a framework in a strongly-typed language, with lots of compile-checks, and which allows you to quickly define own task (in the same language, you use to configure tasks).

  • Current main side project is a web music player, using WASM for the UI, because everything else is no fun.

    I also have an own, tiny OS automation framework that I’ve been meaning to continue dicking around with.

    Then I’ve got a minimalistic note-taking helper program. (My note system is just a bunch of loose text files, and that program helps create those files according to a scheme and allows me to search them.)

    Planned projects, requiring larger and larger levels of megalomania:

    • A musical keyboard application, where I can type on my normal keyboard and it’ll play like a piano. Potentially integrating LV2/VST plugins in future.
    • A physics-based game, integrating concepts from general relativity and quantum physics and such. Kind of to help (me) visualize these concepts better.
    • An own Git forge, with ForgeFed integration, WASM UI etc…