Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Considering all the other listed countries are classified as developing nations, no yeah it’s one of the worst in the world lol. It’s worth it for you to read up on how the gini coefficient is calculated.

    Also, it is ranked 57th when sorted worst to best. It is sorted at 120th from best to worst. Worse than 119 other nations.

    And no, you’re again misusing the term communism. Communism isn’t a scale it refers specifically to a state in which the means of production are shared collectively amongst the working class. You’ve invented a thing and then are using your own invention to sort terms that have actual meanings not related to your invented scale

    America is also not a mixed economy, what are you on about? What industry is public in the US? Most of the states don’t even have public power services. Essentially, none have public medical services.

    There are many sources online that can explain the distinction for you. Check what you’re reading and from where, as America is incredibly biased against socialism and there are entire corporations dedicated to spreading anti-socialist propaganda.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoTechnology@lemmy.worldRaspberry Pi launches its IPO
    23 days ago

    There is no aspect of the US that is in any sense communist. Communism refers very specifically to a style of government which directly owns and controls the means of production across all forms of industry. This style of government is controlled by the proletariat. That is not the case for any industry in the US. The link you provided is propaganda not based on any actual communist beliefs. Communism is not a “command based” anything, it is a philosophy with regards to the distribution of the means of production and how the fruits of the working class’s labor should be shared.

    The US gini coefficient is 39.8 as of 2021. Making it one of the worst countries in the world for income inequality. There are plenty of areas in the southern states especially where entire towns are below the poverty line, some very significantly below it.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoTechnology@lemmy.worldRaspberry Pi launches its IPO
    23 days ago

    Youre thinking of laissez-faire capitalism, maybe even libertarian capitalism?

    America is absolutely capitalist in every sense of the term. The entire nation is corporatized and the government has no particularly influential anti-capitalist entities. Both competing parties are capitalist. The social framework by which we raise children is structured to indoctrinate them into the ideologies of neoliberalism and American economic exceptionalism. The propaganda that American society is meritocratic is enforced throughout our entire lives, all with the aim of suppressing the class consciousness of the working class.

    People are responding to you with derision because what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. Capitalism and socialism are not based entirely on hard rules. They’re both economic ideologies and social philosophies packaged into cultural frameworks. America is actively anti socialist. They have a very long history of anti communism and anti workers’ rights. America is the holotype of post-Reagan neoliberal capitalism. It is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of wealth disparity and income inequality. It is one of the least regulated economic powers in history, with it being open knowledge that billionaires rule the country and can essentially do anything they want without facing any kind of material consequences.

  • Lot of people in this thread who don’t seem to understand what sexual exploitation is. I’ve argued about this exact subject on threads like this before.

    It is absolutely horrifying that someone you know could take your likeness and render it into a form for their own sexual gratification. It doesn’t matter that it’s ai rendered. The base image is still you, the face in the image is still your face, and you are still the object being sexualized. I can’t describe how disgusting that is. If you do not see the problem in that I don’t know what to tell you. This will be used on images of normal non-famous women. It will be used on pictures from the social media profiles of teenage girls. These ads were on a platform with millions of personal accounts of women and girls. It’s sickening. There is no consent involved here. It’s non-consensual pornography.

  • I wound up on arch :) I used mint for a while, and used to use Ubuntu and Mint a lot when I was in high school. But there were a lot of features of each I didn’t want and wanted an option to opt out of. Arch had a learning curve to it, just becoming accustomed to working with rolling release software.

    And like I play games and run media servers and a lot else off of this one desktop. I really don’t feel limited by it at all, except in cases like fortnite not allowing people to play on Linux even though it’s completely possible to do so.

  • How can you describe your friends, family, co-workers, peers, making and sharing pornography of you, and say that it comes down to hurt feelings??? It’s taking someone’s personhood, their likeness, their autonomy, their privacy, and reducing them down to a sexual act for which they provide no knowledge or consent. And you think this stays private?? Are you kidding me?? Men have literally been caught making snapchat groups dedicated to sharing their partner’s nudes without their consent. You either have no idea what you’re talking about or you are intentionally downplaying the seriousness of what this is. Like I said in my original comment, people contemplate and attempt suicide when pornographic content is made and shared of them without their knowledge and consent. This is an incredibly serious discussion.

    It is people like you, yes you specifically, that provide the framework by which the sexual abuse of women is justified.

  • They’re making pornography of women who are not consenting to it when that is an extremely invasive thing to do that has massive social consequences for women and girls. This could (and almost certainly will) be used on kids too right, this can literally be a tool for the production of child pornography.

    Even with regards to adults, do you think this will be used exclusively on public figures? Do you think people aren’t taking pictures of their classmates, of their co-workers, of women and girls they personally know and having this done to pictures of them? It’s fucking disgusting, and horrifying. Have you ever heard of the correlation between revenge porn and suicide? People literally end their lives when pornographic material of them is made and spread without their knowledge and consent. It’s terrifyingly invasive and exploitative. It absolutely can and must be illegal to do this.

  • Yes, an-caps lol famous for standing up for small time by commission digital artists trying to avoid exploitation of their creations. Totally yup you got me. All my criticism of corporations and pointing how AI art specifically benefits corporations at the detriment of actual human beings is very ancap of me.

    Your whole bit about a new owner class is just, so far out there I don’t even know what you’re on. I don’t have time to try and work through the justifications for why you think that you’re entitled to make a mimic program for other peoples stuff. Not just to do it, but to claim that it makes you an artist.

    Sorry but nah you’re in the minority here. In this specific community in this specific space your voice is overrepresented. I’ve never met another person who agrees that our prototypical Charlotte and others like her are demonic overlords of the new ruling class who are seeking to subvert creativity and lock it in their hands. God, most of the artists I know willingly train others and a lot of them make content to train others. Now you’re essentially complaining that you can’t draw lmao like it’s just ridiculous. I can’t draw either, that’s fine I don’t want to put in the work to be able to create real visual art. I can live with that. I wouldn’t use an ethically sourced AI image generator anyway, as it’s literally an elaborate RNG function with a mimicry algorithm attached to it. It has no meaning and is empty.

    Like typing “a cool painting” into bing image generator, which then tries its best to copy other real paintings made by real people, makes you an artist somehow. It doesn’t. And you’re not going to convince me of that, of all people. Let alone the majority of society who definitely do not agree that that makes you an artist, or that it makes it right to scrape images from artists like that.

    Also the bit about me deeming people to have talent is just stupid. I’m not judging their artistic ability, I’m saying they’re literally not making art they’re not showcasing any artistic ability whether I think it’s good or not.

  • I dont want copyright to be expanded, I dont want laws governing intellectual property at all. I’ve described what I think is right pretty fully. I don’t need you to tell me where I stand.

    You can read my other comments if you want to engage with it any further. I’m not mistaking you for someone else. I’m just tired of people rehashing the same endless points. Arguing with AI bros is tireless, pointlessly futile. It consistently devolves into innane nonsense. I’m fully on board with doing away with copyright as a concept entirely. My request is that artificial image and text generation be regulated in a way that is ethical with respect to small content creators who should have a say in what software their art is used to generate. That’s it fam I’m out

  • ‘Charlotte’ draws for people. She’s good at it, and it’s her livelihood. People like her are hurting literally no one by drawing things. She enriches the lives of all the people who enjoy her work. She should have a choice in whether or not her works are used to make image generators. That’s it. It’s not complicated. You shouldn’t get to decide this for her, she never posted her images to the internet with the knowledge that someone would use them to figuratively build a machine with the expressive purpose of rendering what she does useless (even if it’s very bad at doing so).

    AI art stands against everything that every artist had ever taught me. It’s spit on the face of art as a concept. It’s art devoid of creation. Art made out of very long, very complicated algorithms weighing weights adjusted by billions of pictures passed through it. It’s no more expressive or inspirational than an RNG function attached to a midi keyboard. It’s mimicry, mimicry that really only stands to benefit corporations. I’m not about it.

    AI in pretty well any other case? I’m on board. Let’s automate human labor, all the things that we are forced to do for work. No more physical labor, no more 9 to 5, no more retail or fast food or corporate jobs. Do away with it all. I’m totally with you there. Doing away with human art? I mean, I’ve got no interest in that. If you like staring at what amounts essentially to nothing, then be my guest. I’m very open minded with art in general, totally down with avant guarde pieces, performance art, noise music, all the stuff at the fringe that offends the delicate sensibilities of those who seek to gatekeep what is or isn’t genuine human expression.

    Pretty big difference there is all those things are made by people. People with talent. Artists. We are enjoy the fruits of their labor. Their rights should be respected. They should have a say in whether specifically AI is allowed to copy their works.