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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I didn’t even get a question, just straight up installed Windows 11 on my Surface with a bunch of cumulative roll ups after using it again for the first time in about 8 months. Couldn’t even stop it once the “windows update” started, only option is to allow the reboot and then go through the hassle of rolling back to 10. It’s a tertiary device for me and goes long periods without being used and I was probably ok with testing 11 performance on it, but don’t appreciate being strong armed. I had to kill modern standby again to prevent battery drain while shut down, which is plaguing my laptop after I tried 11 on it.

    Windows 11 is straight up unusable in multi-monitor configurations though due to the locked down UI customization, so my main rig won’t be touching it with a 20ft pole. If Linux had more consistent VR gaming performance and support, I’d probably be jumping ship. As it stands, once 10 hits EOL I’ll probably end up there anyway. Microsoft will be killing one of my headsets at the same time anyway by dropping WMR, and I hear there is some great Linux options for the Surface Pro line now too.

  • The Virtual Boy was released in 1995. It wasn’t wildly successful, but was roughly the start of home VR gaming. There were many VR arcade games and attractions after that in the intervening years until the Oculus DK1 and “modern” VR in 2010. That’s ignoring the really early VR stuff in the 70s and 80s. Just because we have had major breakthroughs in the last 14 years with consumer cost doesn’t mean time starts there.

    Palmer Luckey didn’t invent VR at 16 in his garage out of whole cloth without the decades of tangible growth and development done in the prior 2-3 decades. His breakthroughs in latency paved the way for the the current renaissance in consumer home VR, not minimizing his contributions, but VR didn’t start with him, nor Valve, nor HTC.