Wow, didn’t know about the cats or that there was a puzzle in the bathroom. Time to finish this game MORE I guess.
Wow, didn’t know about the cats or that there was a puzzle in the bathroom. Time to finish this game MORE I guess.
Just finished it for the first time, have been telling all my friends about it. There’s something about how messy the lore is. Some collectables don’t tell you anything except shape the atmosphere of the oldest house, which is so nice. It was so beautiful too. Really good low flying game. I’m gonna definitely check out some other titles by this studio. I’ve played AW 1 and loved the connections to that. Just a real surprising 10/10 for me.
Never sure, with that one😆
The party of self reflection 😂
Oh. I hadn’t considered this. Devastating…
It helps when their brain isn’t actively dripping out of their ears😁. But yeah, wouldn’t you rather have someone who you actually agree with that’s old? Besides, Bernie would have won 2016 if anything, he was almost a decade younger at that point.
Almost like Clinton should have run a real campaign in MI😃. Stop running unpopular candidates and blaming it on greens. How embarassing lol.
Ha…guess I’m the asshole. But I still hate teams alright!
I’ve had to repeatedly switcho “new teams”. The selection isn’t sticky for some reason. It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to develope a messaging app that does file transfers and meetings but apparently this bloated pile of horseshit proves reason wrong. A second long delay when changing threads? “You’ll use it because corporate says you will…and you’ll LOVE IT”.
And now you know something about me😋
Added, sorry for the delay.
Added. Sorry for the delay.
Is linked to excess deaths? Technically it could be saving lives at a population scale. I doubt that’s the case, but it could be. I’ll read the article now and find out.
Edit: it doesn’t seem to say anything regarding “normal” auto related deaths. They’re focusing on the bullshit designation of an unfinished product as “autopilot”,and a (small) subset of specific cases that are particularly aggregious, where there were 5-10 seconds of lead time into an incident. In these cases a person who was paying attention wouldn’t have been in the accident.
Also some clarity edits.
Takin’ it back! ❤️
The word rape doesn’t show up in that entire article. Must be some kind of mistake. I wonder why that would happen?
I get this sentiment, but it’d go a long way for people who have the dreaded “range anxiety”. If they want the expense of both systems, then go for it. I have a used Chevy Volt which is a PHEV, we got it a few years ago and didn’t want to commit to full electric yet. It’s my families only car and in our case it’s been bullet proof. 95% of our driving is on electric with only family visits requiring gas. It’s not a bad system for people who aren’t convinced. Different now that it’s becomming a culture war issue though.
Just want to say that I appreciate how you two ended up haha. It was a wide eyed “Woah” from me at the beginning there (both), but I do love that you guys talked it out and ended up all civil and complimentary. There’s hope for us all to understand each other is my takeaway. Thanks to both of you for showing us the way.
Speaking as someone with no social media (big grain of salt), whenever I’ve heard reporting on people seeing the genocide on their phones it was always referencing tiktok. They never said “people watched children be exploded on twitter or Insta”. That could be due to user preference or whatever, but as an outsider, I have the ambient notion that more of this kind of content was coming from tiktok.
More concretely, in a lot of the stuff that came out of the twitter files, it’s clear that the US government does have, what I would classify as, inappropriate contact with american social media companies that can controle narratives. Without saying something with absolute certainty, the statement he’s making sounds pretty reasonable.
Also nothing is just one thing, there’s probably a ton going on.