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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • If you’re using Windows, the built in AV (Windows Defender) is actually pretty great. Maybe run Malware Bytes every now and then, (as in, install Malware Bytes, run it, then immediately uninstall it again). Between those two (and healthy browsing habits, like using an adblocker, not downloading random .exes, etc) will keep you protected. No AV in the world will be able to fully defend against bad browsing habits, so it all really comes down to that.

    But this is Lemmy, so you’re bound to get buried in “just switch to Linux cuz Windows is a virus” stuff. And while that may be true, it’s clearly not the answer to your question.

  • Yup. He’s “working” 7 days a week but only doing like an hour or two of actual productive (if it can even be called that…) work. This is how a lot of C-level executives use weasel words to make themselves seem important.

    They’ll show up to the office at 8AM, but they’ll say that they started “working” at 6AM because they woke up and had an idea while in the shower. Then they’ll play golf with their friends (“business associates”) in the morning and say they’re working. Then they’ll go to lunch with their affair partner (“potential client”) on their way back from golf, and say they’re working. Then they’ll sit in one meeting in the afternoon, where they don’t even do any actual work but do a lot of talking with a lot of buzzwords to sound important. And finally, they’ll leave the office early and talk online about what a hard worker they are for starting work at 6AM.

    The “I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week” stuff is all just capitalistic “we deserve to get paid more because we work hard to run the companies” propaganda.

  • Because their entire argument thus far has basically been “but we’re a library.” But that completely misses the point that even libraries need to comply with licensing laws. Even with ebooks, they can’t just lend an unlimited number of copies. They have licensing agreements with the publishers, to be able to lend [x] copies of [y] book at a time.

    They purchase digital licenses to be able to lend those books, and they can only lend as many licenses as they own. Just like physical books. They need to use time-gated DRM to automatically revoke access whenever the rental time is up.

    And at first, that’s exactly what IA did. But they decided to disable that DRM, and just start lending unlimited copies to people instead, which flies in the face of established copyright law.

  • If you’re a contractor, you should be carrying your own insurance anyways. Lots of beginners don’t bother setting up an LLC and insurance, because they don’t realize how bad it can be if they have an accident on the job. If you haven’t set up that LLC and have insurance at a bare minimum, then you’re in for a world of shit if someone gets hurt.

    Source: Was a freelancer for a decade. Half of the goobers I worked around were sole owner/operators of an LLC, and the others were completely open to personal liability if they dropped something on someone.

  • Ding ding ding. Rubble-covered battlefields aren’t the end-goal here. The end goal is urban warfare, precision strikes, and area denial by police. Cops can post these on patrol outside of a billionaire’s house. Charging isn’t an issue, because you can simply have them automatically return to base for charging, and patrol in automatically rotating shifts.

    Or have them near protests, and “accidentally” start killing people. When people get upset, cops will go “oops it was a malfunction. Too bad you can’t blame us for that. Because of, ya know, the malfunction. It totally malfunctioned. 100% wasn’t programmed to kill on sight, to break up the protest quickly. Nope, definitely a malfunction.”

  • Facial recognition uses a few key elements of the face to hone in on matches, and traditional makeup doesn’t obscure any of those areas. In order to fool facial recognition, the goal is often to avoid face detection in the first place; Asymmetry, large contrasting colors, obscuring one (or both) eyes, hiding the oval head shape and jawline, and rhinestones (which sparkle and reflect light nearly randomly, making videos more confusing) seem to work well. But as neural nets improve, they also get harder to fool, so what works for one system may not work for every system.

    CV Dazzle (originally inspired by dazzle camouflage used on some warships) is a makeup style that tries to fool the most popular facial recognition systems.

    Note that those tend to obscure the bridge of the nose, the brow line, the jawline, etc… Because those are key identification areas for facial recognition.

  • And that’s a good point! Luckily it’s still (usually) fairly easy to identify AI generated images. But as they get more advanced, that will likely become harder and harder to do.

    Maybe some sort of required digital signatures for AI art would help; Something like a public encryption key in the metadata, that can’t be falsified after the fact. Anything without that known and trusted AI signature would by default be treated as the real deal.

    But this would likely require large scale rewrites of existing image formats, if they could even support it at all. It’s the type of thing that would require people way smarter than myself. But even that feels like a bodged solution to a problem that only exists because people suck. And if it required registration with a certificate authority (like an HTTPS certificate does) then it would be a hurdle for local AI instances to jump through. Because they would need to get a trusted certificate before they could sign their images.