Does not work well for large corporate roll outs. Last I checked no way to auto-enroll on a NetScaler or an F5
Does not work well for large corporate roll outs. Last I checked no way to auto-enroll on a NetScaler or an F5
lol yeah! My friend where dicks and would set that to our screen savers or if we left our laptops open would go to and then lock your laptop. You got quite the surprise when you unlocked your computer lol
So much more goatse and bathtube girl pictures along with porn are now gonna be on my tv
How is it running you a month?
Yeah, it’s bad…… I didn’t feel like login into my premium account the other day and it was kinda much…….
I am hoping we get a Democrat to in office this year. With the balls(Well she technically does not have balls; but you get my drift) to break some FUCKING monopolies up. We need to break up Ma Bell again
It’s a movie called Gung Ho filmed in 1986 staring Michael Keaton
Not a bad way to do it!
I just went down the ubiquity dream machine and a real switch with APs in mesh mode
I have noticed a lot more down votes in certain political posts the past few months thats for sure
I know of a few bars that have/used to have web streams of the bar. Most of them started in the 90s and 00s and I can’t remember if they shut them off after a certain hour or not. Buddy of mine in Florida would go to one of these locations have a cocktail in front of the camera and wave at us while we would freezing our asses off in the northern Midwest
Where are my testicles Summer?
Boil an ocean or two trying to cool their LLM farms?
Perfect I will actually just start putting copyrights statements both on my site and in the source code. Ughhhh!!! But fine if you wanna go down this rabbit hole LFG bitch!!!
Can’t you just you powershell and create a local user that way???
Yuuuup lowest pay bump I have gotten was 10k highest was over 50k with the potential of a bonus. I got low balled for a long years and am now like pay me. Wish I would have seen/known my worth long ago before getting taken advantage of
Article says male and female dolls.
Also girls have so many toys already, mean while use dudes are stuck with lotion and our right hand and sometimes you sit on your left hand till it gets tingly and then rub one out. It’s called the stranger
I have been hearing really good things about this new service called X. Very small and friendly community. You just need to register an account and do 12 easy installments of 420.69 yearly
Still order like grandpa. I go in and want to talk to a human and order. I hate those gross ass touchscreens. I am probably a minority especially in my age group and working in tech
This is perfect for my chess tournaments!!!
I was okay with it getting thicker as well. I never got into the thinner is better thing. If I wanted something thin and light I would get an Air not a MBP. Still love the form factor of my 2010 MBP. I also really enjoyed Snow Leopard
I know this restaurant. For some reason I wanna say 90s Taco Bell or McDonald’s