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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yes, everyone knows it already, they’re just another company, profit is the main and first objective. Their stuff is generally good but priced high tier. But they do some virtue signalling when/where it doesn’t hurt them too much, so that’s why sometimes we can hope they put down their foot sometimes.

    No one stopped buying apple when the forced labour of foxconn was revealed decades ago. (well, not enough to offset the savings to apple by using foxconn)

    I think people know that almost everything in their homes (everything from kitchen utensils to speakers, even my mop) is made in the same type of factories or use components that are, except my furniture maybe, that’s from Vietnam and clothing often from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh (still sweatshops, just different countries).

    At least Apple had to improve conditions somewhat for their production lines which all the other companies supplying the west with cheap products didn’t. They also audit it, which works somewhat though there’s also evidence manufacturers tries to “hide” problems so nothing is perfect. One brand that tries harder is Fairphone and they are saying it’s currently impossible to be 100% “Fair”. But I guess if one wants to make a statement with their purchase they’ll have to buy Fairphone.

    Another company that had to do something was Nike, but I wouldn’t be surprised they’ve reverted to closing their eyes to pure sweatshop suppliers now everyone have forgotten the scandal. Nobody’s forgetting Apple’s scandal because they’re the most in the spotlight.

  • Starting maps like this is hard. I remember many years earlier when Google maps was new and disastrous, sending massive truck detours through small sleepy villages and encouraging inattentive driver to drive into duck ponds. Then when Apple released their maps Google already had 7 years of improving theirs, and they had made good use of that time.

    It was a mistake not allocating more resources (/spending) to improving it sooner after the release turned out so badly. They always move slowly with their projects. Even now their new map updates are spectacular but the mapping vehicle fleet seems too small and is taking a long time.

  • I have an iPhone and an iPad. My philosophy is to use services that work on both iOS and Android, rather than just one. So Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Dropbox (I got 10GB free, using around 20% for notes and documents) with Cryptomator, OneDrive for pictures, Signal, WhatsApp, 2FAS Auth, Bitwarden and Joplin for notes. I can swap between an iOS and Android phone in 30min and have a few times as I enjoy both.

    I don’t have any subscription apps by choice.

    In my home I have a little server running PiHole, homebridge and Home Assistant, this way I have access to smart switches/thermometers from any OS.

    On my phone I have notifications disabled for most apps, including social media. Only enabled for messaging apps, authentication apps, etc.