It’s just a number. You can make it out to be whatever you want but it’s literally just the year I was born. I guess we should crucify every person born in 88. What an idiot.
It’s just a number. You can make it out to be whatever you want but it’s literally just the year I was born. I guess we should crucify every person born in 88. What an idiot.
Basically he has mommy daddy issues and wants to take it out on millions of other people. It’s like punching someone in the face but then washing their car and acting like he’s a saint.
His Mom didn’t show any empathy when she raised him. This is why he is a weirdo.
You went from 60 years to ever in US history lol.
Why do people keep saying this is illegal lol. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it illegal. Don’t you think some high powered lawyer would offer to fight this for them?
Lol sooooo you have no idea what you are talking about. Got it.
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Try being a federal employee lol.
All of this is a massive joke. Nothing the Dems or Reps are doing is what the people want.
Most people who own these crappy cars can’t even really afford them. Now they are in big trouble because they can’t get rid of them. Lol.
I don’t disagree with you at all. It’s just not realistic. Private jets will never be outlawed. The people who vote on that are donated by rich people who fly private jets exclusively. Will never happen. I think the only thing that COULD happen is a maximum amount private jets can fly a year. A few different ways that can be accomplished but we don’t need to go into that here.
Yeah that .9% of all CO2 emissions is really the reason. You should probably also stop using phones and computers and electricity. Did you know factories that produce most of the things you use on a daily basis create more pollution than private jets. Boiling us alive lol.
Buncha haters! If I were as rich as her I’d take a private flight to 7-11 down the street if I could. I would take a flight to another country just to eat dinner and come back.
So 3 million more abandoned homes. Got it. Can’t wait.
Been happening for a long time. It’s also not just Catholic church. All religions are guilty of some sick shit. ALL OF THEM!
There is no money in Earth society or the Federation.
It’s 2024. Why do people still care about kings and queens lol.
No they aren’t.
You like pasta? That’s terrible because Mussolini was from Italy and pasta is from Italy. Idiot. You got the crazy part right though.