Sorry, RD???
Sorry, RD???
I appreciate the recommendation. I’m just afraid I’m not tech-savvy enough to work these things plus I don’t want to get stuck with a DMCA or something like that, you know?
Thanks for the response! I understood some of that. I used to be a techie but technology has left me in the dirt in the past years. You kinda lost me starting with paragraph 3.
So, it sounds like i want to find a “dedicated” seedbox if I go that route. Thanks for the recomendations!
Would you have any recommendations on hardware? If I go local, I would want 2 sets of similar hardware; one for primary storage and the 2nd for backup. Thanks!
Yeah, I’ve done a bunch of reading since this post and I’m going with CPU. It may put a bit more stress on my system but my system was built for high-end gaming in the first place so I shouldn’t have any problems. Thank you for your input and information! :)
Thank you for the helpful information! Sounds like I got some bad information in the past. {not from here} lol
No, not so far. No crashes or anything like that. Someone somewhere just told me a good range for video rendering was between 65-75% core usage.
It doesn’t help when I don’t have a very good grasp of the Hardware mechanics of it. Thanks for trying to clarify for me! The thing I’m most concerned with in using the CPU for everything is most software including Handbrake I try, if I let the CPU do all the processing, each CPU core goes to >100% which is not good for the system for long periods of time and literally got 100s of DVD/BluRays I want to reprocess. I’ve always been told around 55%-65% on each core is acceptable when processing video. Any additional information you can provide would be most appreicated.
Hmm, I wonder… It’s funny you mention this because Wondershare UniConverter I pirated and it installed and registered fine but I couldn’t get the AMD acceleration to show up under acceleration. It’s like it didn’t recognize it. I wonder if this file you mention has something to do with that because it DOES support AMD acceleration.
Sorry, I’ll try to be a bit clearer here. I have an MKV (h.264, aac, ass soft sub) file 1920x1080 16:9 I want to re-encode with HEVC reducing it to a 640x360 while retaining the soft subs. Actually, I would like to burn in the soft subs but it keeps defaulting to the programs standard font instead of using the soft subs styles. I use HWMonitor when checking the various softwares so I can see how much CPU or GPU usage is going on. I’m wondering if it’s just a freaking AMD issue. I HATE so bad I didn’t get an Intel or Nvidia graphics card when I had my system rebuilt. Anyway, I hope this provides a bit more clarity. Feel free to ask anything else as I’m just basically going around in circles right now. Thanks so much for your input!
Really!? I would LOVE to get that converter to work. I’ve got a pirated copy somewhere around here. Do you happen to remember what file it was and where to get it?
Windows 10, current drivers, the AMD HEVC encoder and current ffmpeg.
Thank you for the sites and information! I’m afraid I’m gonna have to have what I want built as I just don’t have the technical skills to do what I want.