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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • We as in you and me? Try our best to reduce waste, things that contribute to carbon emission, and plant some crops that put nutrients back in the soil. Donate some money to charities and institutions that further environments science research.

    We as a country and international effort? Long term policy changes like carbon taxes. The 1%s and politically well connected finally being personally inconvinenced by climate change. About when the sea water rises to destroy their private villas and beach getaways is when some real progress will start to get made. 3rd world countries will hopefully transition from burning fossil fuel to cleaner energy

  • Also good piracy requires understanding torrenting and navagating the 7 seas with a vpn. And know what a good/bad torrent looks like.

    My parents LOVE to tell all their friends and family how I can magically get any tv show or movie for them through the computer 5$ a month without all that subscription crap which gets everyones hopes up and I have to gently let them down that it requires a bit more computer knowhow than a regular non-tech person ]possesses.

    If you think you can properly educate people on safely torrenting be my guest but for most people who have neither the time or desire to learn computer nerd stuff instead they choose the simple and convinent option of just coughing up dollars

  • “lol at least it will help get some losers out of the gene pool, lonely unfuckable loosers deserve what they get if they resort to a chatbot for affection lol” fucking hell what nastiness some people have in them.

    Im not 100% comfortable with AI gfs and the direction society could potentially be heading. I don’t like that some people have given up on human interaction and the struggle for companionship, and feel the need to resort to a poor artificial substitute for genuine connection. Its very sad.

    However, I also understand what it truly means to be alone, for decades. You can point the finger and mock people for their social failings. It doesn’t make them feel any less empty. Some people are genuinely so psychologically or physically damaged, their confidence so ultimately shattered, that dating or even just fucking seem like pipe dreams. A psychologically normal, average looking human being who can’t stand a month or two of being single could never empathize with what that feels like.

    If an AI girlfriend could help relieve that feeling for one irreparably broken human being on this planet, lessen that unbearable lonelyness even a smidge through faux interaction, then good. I’ll never want one, but im happy its an option for those who really need something like it. They’ll get no mockery or meanness or judgement from me.

  • People whine about the same thing over and over and over, somehow acting shocked and outraged when microsoft does each month what its been doing for decades. Make their product somehow even more shitty and erode their customers experience so they can sell you the same product with a new paintjob. Big tech sucks, they want to squeeze you dry for every nickel you ever owned, and your private information too. Its sold to anyone who wants including your government and they don’t even bother storing it securely. You know this. I know this. Even the average non tech person knows this. We’ve all known it for a very long time now.

    Don’t like it? Too bad, not changing any time soon. Kind of just have to accept microsoft cuckery if its for your work. For personal use though theres always the option to switch to linux, start using open source software, and get a new email through a public acess unix server like tilde.team

    But no, theres always some excuse lazy and stubborn people unwilling to compromise have, to not do any of that either. Cause that one videogame you really like doesn’t work on linux cause shitty anticheat, or you think you need that one adobe product that does have open source alternatives but aren’t as good as a corporate product, or your online accounts are already tied to gmail/outlook and it would be too much work to switch it all over to a new email. And dual-booting just isn’t going to work for them either, for reasons. Good options exist, but most just don’t want to take them up because they can’t stand being inconvinenced or relearning their computer software.

    So I have no more sympathy for people who willingly use windows or outlook or youtube or any corporate product and then wonder why that product continues to get worse while they charge you more money for it + a subscription now.

    Sorry for the 5 paragraph essay, I guess im just tired of seeing the /technology outrage circlejerk about this weeks episode of ‘corporate products are shit and getting shittier by the day’