It really isn’t. This seems like rewriting history for views, although it’s still an interesting read. This article is basically:
At the root of this reactionary thinking was a writer and public intellectual named George Gilder
- followed by an explanation of how his influence started and grew there, followed by a fair degree of mental gymnastics to how well-it-didnt-seem-to-be-there-but-it-really-was.
Societies change, I’m sure his and a number of factors less colluded that the article suggests also did contribute to it, but it wasn’t the same. IMO the biggest transition has been from Silicon Valley being fostered to create an investment hotspot to Silicon Valley being targeted by increasingly classist special interests that were losing their competitive traction because of how much influence its innovations were having on the rest of the world.
So is gambling.
Seems about right. It just happens you can really get ahead by being a low skilled grifter in today’s world.