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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If you are relying on T&C as a get out of jail free card for your safety system, then it isn’t a safety system.

    That’s how every safety system works.
    You define the necessary conditions in which it works, and guarantee (with testing and validation) that in those conditions it does its job.
    Nothing works unconditionally.

    The Conditions in this case are in fact, that it is an assistance system, and not a safety system, because everybody knows it can’t be relied upon. It probably works >99% of times, which just isn’t (nearly) enough for driving.

  • Then it should not be called “Autopilot.” The AI required to make real autopilot work does NOT exist now and probably won’t exist for decades.

    Well, in Aviation, where I believe the term “Autopilot” is most commonly used, at least before tesla, an Autopilot is actually exactly what Tesla offers.
    When everything is fine, it can keep the plane going.
    If issues come up, it disengages and the pilot has to be able to receive full control

    /e: also, waymo and cruise already have completely autonomous cars, which generally work.

  • if it disengaged a few seconds before, the crash is still the fault of Tesla’s software.

    I actually disagree, because it’s not self driving, it doesn’t actually claim to have any autonomous features. The driver has to be aware all the time.
    The way all of this is worded when facing the public is… horrible, that’s true. But since the warnings once in the car seem to all be there, I’d say that’s more a false advertising issue than a “is your product actually safe?” issue.

    Really interested in how this comes out, even more data would be interesting to me.

  • I’m not convinced that mobile is a good platform for longer-term games.
    want to spend 5-10 minutes waiting on the bus while flapping a bird or crushing some candy? makes sense to me.
    Resident Evil? I’m not so sure.
    On the other hand, Fortnite seems to work, so what do I know?

    Anyway, I think Phones have become powerful enough that they should be able to get docked to a Desk/TV. Then it makes more sense to me again, a Phone could be the only computing device most people use