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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • At least in my experience I have more customization issues when taking to people rather than using an app or going through a kiosk. The only time it’s the other way around is when they don’t include an option I want on the digital version but that’s becoming less and less common for me at least. The number of times I’ve had orders just missing customization things I asked for but they didn’t hear or forgot to enter is much higher when I go through the drive through or go in person then when I do it through something digital.

  • Then maybe this should be the time to curtail all social media apps from being able to spy on users. But no they won’t do that cause the US government uses that data for itself happily. So instead they make legislation that allows them to broadly target any social media app they mark as “controlled by a hostile foreign power”. Which just sounds like a way for them to target any social media app that isn’t US based and that they can’t control in some way. I don’t like TikTok and I think it should be forced to stop spying or be banned, but the same standard should be applied to all websites, apps, etc.

  • I’ve noticed that without prime you can still get free shipping if you just have a big enough order, so as long as you don’t buy a ton of small purchases individually but instead save up what you need for bigger purchases then the only advantage prime has is the shorter shipping time. Which I’ve also noticed sometimes that the shipping without prime will often arrive a day or two earlier then it’s original estimate, probably cause Amazon has optimized for that shorter 2 day shipping. It’s still not usually 2 days but for most stuff it’s either a week or less which is usually plenty fast for anything I get on Amazon.

  • Good luck with that, the highschool I went to had a hard enough time getting students to stop vaping at school and during class, smartphones would be a much bigger battle. I graduated in 2019 and I still remember when they would try to crack down on cell phone use, never really affected me that much cause I only ever used my phone during class if I was done with everything but I still saw it go the same way every time. It would always only ever last for a month or two before the teachers just gave up because in the end if someone doesn’t wanna pay attention during class taking away their distraction isn’t gonna make them. They’ll just find some other distraction like talking to people or just zoning out. The problem is school just isn’t engaging and sure you can blame cell phones and social media for making it harder for people to pay attention to things that they don’t wanna do. But that doesn’t mean the solution is to not allow them during school, cause I’ve seen from experience that doesn’t help even if you manage to take away the phones, which already is really hard without impacting students who are following the rules negatively.