Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Federation health monitor? Checks if posts are federating well

    omg yes please. I dunno what’s going on with but it’s clearly not healthy right now and it’d be handy to have something to point to.

    intercepts links to posts/comments and provides links to the local versions

    90% of the time yes, please. But an easy way to override it is also very worth having, especially in cases where federation is having problems.

  • I love the idea of the app, but I think some greater coordination with the BDS movement would help. Instead of a simple “yes/no”, tell the user of the app which category the product/company is listed in by BDS and let them make up their own mind.

    For example, currently products in the “pressure targets” are displayed exactly the same as “consumer boycott target”. As BDS says, boycotts are most effective when they’re more highly targetted. So there’s no problem with boycotting the pressure targets, but there is if someone uses the fact that they’re boycotting a pressure target as an excuse to feel good and not boycott a boycott target. Being clearer could only help.

    Relevant BDS page.

  • I don’t think your description of the problem is quite right, but I do believe that there is a problem. Here’s what I see on lemmy-ui:

    It shows no thumbnail, but the standard “play” icon, centred.

    That’s different from any other kind of post. Text posts:

    Have no thumbnail, and a “text bubble” icon, centred.

    Link posts:

    Sometimes do, sometimes don’t have a thumbnail. If no thumbnail, they have an “external link” icon, centred. If there is a thumbnail, that same external link icon appears in the upper-right corner.

    And finally, image posts:

    Have a thumbnail of the image with an “image” icon in the top right.

    In the case of image and video posts, clicking on the thumbnail/icon creates an “expando” where you can see the image/watch the video inline.

    This is good UX, in my opinion. However, unfortunately, your instance is failing to load the video for me. It’s not caused by the expando, because this happens even if I go straight to the video itself in a new tab. So it’s probably a problem with the instance, not with Lemmy.

    But as I said at the start, there is a problem here.

    First and foremost, a complete lack of any thumbnail for the videos. Thumbnails are good! Videos should also get them.

    And well-known popular video sites should also be supported by the video expando. From a UX perspective, it would be better to be able to watch YouTube directly inline, rather than being forced to go through to

    Also as a second related UX issue, text posts can be viewed from the feed page, but unlike videos and images, it’s not done by clicking the thumbnail, but by clicking the little “+” sign next to the title. In my opinion this is inconsistent and not ideal.

  • I uploaded what I think was the first tutorial on how to use Photoshop’s then-new “Content-Aware Fill” to help create panoramas, and also a tutorial about…something, I forget what, to do with the music engraving software Sibelius. They were things I was doing all the time, but there didn’t seem to be any guide on how to do it, so I thought I’d help out. And I got rewarded with a little cash and a few tens of thousands of views. Felt good.

    There are much better, higher-polish videos that deal with those subjects now, I’m sure. But still, it didn’t feel good getting that ripped out from under me, and being told I was no longer welcome.

  • Damn that’s very disappointing. It makes sense in some cases—if the local instance admin removes it, no reason for the community mod to ever see it. But if, say, a beehaw admin removes it after a bee reports it, a should still get to see the content in their queue to decide if they want to remove it, too.

  • You know what, I actually agree with YouTube’s argument. Ad blocking is piracy. In fact, no, it’s worse than piracy. If I pirate a movie, Disney makes no money, but it costs them nothing at all. If I watch YouTube without an ad blocker, I’m depriving YouTube of its revenue source and I’m costing them money. Morally, ad blocking sits somewhere between piracy and actual theft.

    The thing is? I don’t care. I ad block YouTube all the time and feel not a lick of guilt. The reason: Google brought this on themselves. I used to happily pay for YouTube Red. But they have continuously, both before and after that point, been actively hostile to the people actually producing the content they make. Their willingness to bow down to copyright trolls and complete inability to properly apply fair use. They extremely harsh policies on acceptable content, stopping people talking about sex education or mediaeval weaponry being able to reliably makes money.

    And the straw that broke this camel’s back was when they changed the requirements to be in the Partner Program, locking out all the smaller creators from ever being able to make money on YouTube. I never considered myself a “creator”, but over the 5 years prior to that I occasionally uploaded stuff I was doing anyway. I had amassed almost $100 over those 5 years. Not an impressive amount, for sure, but having that taken away from me made me feel unwelcome. I don’t think I’ve uploaded anything public since, and I’ve been blocking ads on the site since then.

    Even worse, not long after this change, they decided to start showing ads even on videos from non-partnered videos, so you can get ads on my videos even though I don’t see a single cent.

    So fuck YouTube. Ad blocking is worse than piracy, and I say good.

  • So if one of these groups has already actioned it, the post will still appear in the queue for the other groups to take a look at? I vaguely recall hearing about an issue where admins approving a comment would mean mods won’t get to see it, or vice versa. Is that me misreading/misremembering something, or has it since been fixed?

  • omg I love your instance name. (But I hate that font :O)

    But actually I think I did see that post, and the responses in it were probably part of what was bouncing around my brain that led me to ask this post. Because my main curiosity was less around who reports go to (I asked that to make sure I hadn’t missed something, more than for any other reason), but around what happens when reports are actioned by one of those groups, but not others.