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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • having to buy the radioactive materials from dictatorships

    Not really, but also kinda. The biggest exporters of ore are Kazakhstan, Namibia, Canada, and Australia.

    The only major producers that aren’t American puppets stripping themselves of resources to maintain western hegemony are Russia, Niger, China, and India, who total less than 15%.

    I wouldn’t call Russia or India not-dictatorships, but I don’t see them using US weapons and training to put down a restive population and keep the resources and money flowing out like Kazakstan.

  • all large projects have this level of corruption and grift

    Skill issue. I can’t even blame capitalism, since the french manage to get almost 90% of their power from nuclear.

    China has 53 GW installed, 25 GW under construction, and another 47 GW planned. Generally they’re pretty clear-eyed when it comes to major projects like this, so I think we can infer the availability of cheap hydro and solar doesn’t favor doing more than ~15% nuclear since they’re only planning to increase it by 150% over the next couple decades.

    Maybe that will change when they set up long term storage/reprocessing.

  • The idea that the US gov’t doesn’t propagandize the US people is just so laughable and observably false.

    The most popular non-sports video game series is US propaganda. The most funded Hollywood movies, Marvel et al, has the military literally approve the scripts beforehand.

    Reddit’s current Director of Policy worked the Atlantic Council and had no experience in social media before working for Reddit and purging it of popular leftist communities. After October 7th, they put out a message banning war footage or propaganda showing the Palestinian perspective.

    Notice how Reddit is overwhelmingly pro-Ukraine, anti-russian, anti-Iranian, anti-chinese, and pro-zionist? Literally zero difference between what the major subreddits support and what the state department would want them to support.

  • China’s HSR has an issue in that it doesn’t go to the city centers, you still have to take a metro or bus to get there.

    I can’t imagine how difficult it’s gonna be getting land for maglev. Shanghai’s maglev was supposed to connect the Hongqiao and Pudong airports, but they got NIMBY’d by property owners who wanted a bigger setback and used FUDD to organize protests.

  • Before watching the video, I was thinking all maglevs were just gagetbahns since there’s little difference in how maglevs are used vs conventional HSR, but 380 mph and 100+ mile long tracks make a qualitative difference as it competes with aircraft after you consider boarding, taxiing, time to get to cruising altitude, etc. This is especially important given how much CO2 per passenger mile small aircraft generate.

    Also if the US can spend trillions on wars, and has a similarly sized economy, I’m sure the Chinese can afford socially beneficial projects like this even if ticket prices never cover operating costs.

  • Well liberals don’t hate the Clintons, and the left hates them for passing racist laws and supporting the prison industrial complex, bombing Yugoslavia and Libya (and sharing responsibility with Obama for all the countries the US bombed during the early 2010s, and the 2009 Honduras coup), 90s sanctions on Iraq, estimated to have resulted in a million excess deaths, mostly of children, bombing a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory, there’s a lot more, I mean he was president during the 90s and she was secretary of state under Obama, there’s so much ghoulish shit they’re proud of.