I think I’d still rather type out internationalization even if it doesn’t fit on a slide lol.
I think I’d still rather type out internationalization even if it doesn’t fit on a slide lol.
I thought the same until the barbarians came @me with O11y and one of my coworkers asked where the f they got “oh eleveny” from.
I just thought 8 = netes.
They’re shorthand for long words you don’t want to type. You keep the first and last letter and replace the rest of the word with the number of characters you removed.
Kubernetes ➡️ K8s Observability ➡️ O11y
Rolling onto a client that uses “O11y” for observability almost gave me permanent damage.
Damn you’re unionized IT? Where are you general located?
Gah he looks worse than usual in this shot.
Whyyyyy would you actually say this out loud? We all know it’s a dick move but I’m curious what would possess them to actually broadcast it? Like you’re not supposed say the quiet parts out loud. Right?
So far, it’s pretty awesome! Love the Beans icon I can use haha. Good job!
I remember hearing that some may even have LTE to fallback to.