I think you could read it to children.
I think you could read it to children.
It’s gonna bite her in the ass.
1.5-2 hour documentary on this guy … Know of anything like that?
How about a podcast?
4 special episodes between 40m and 1h in length.
There’s nothing he could do to make me think more about him,
Elon the celebrity. Totally agree.
However Elon the presidentally empowered technocrat does have me thinking about him.
Aren’t HIPAA violations federal crimes that can be intsa-pardoned by Trump?
T2. Alien. Predator. John Wick.
You are missing a piece of the analogy.
After each key press the size of the letters change, so some become more likely to be hit than others.
How the size of the keys vary is the secret being sought, and this training requires many, many more monkeys than just producing Shakespeare.
Wrong answers only…
What % of the US army would be happy to obey an order to invade Canada. At what level if seniority? What justification could be given to sure up the troops?