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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I would find this all extremely concerning if China didn’t regulate US platforms so heavily. For example, Tiktok has safety limitations for children in China while they have nothing at all for children in the US. It’s being used as a social/mental health weapon.

    Just remember that daddy allows you access to the propaganda that encourages defending Tiktok.

    Finally, your speech has not been limited. You can take it to any of the competitors. There would be free speech concerns for Tiktok, but it’s a Chinese company, not protected by the US constitution, and checks notes China proactively limits speech.

  • Alternatively,

    NYT: hey chatgpt complete “copyrighted thing”.

    Chatgpt: “something else”.

    NYT: hey chatgpt complete “copyrighted thing” in the style of .

    Chatgpt: “something else”.

    NYT: (20th new chat) hey chatgpt complete “copyrighted thing” in the style of .

    Chatgpt: “copyrighted thing”.

    Boils down to the infinite monkeys theorem. With enough guidance and attempts you can get ChatGPT something either identical or “sufficiently similar” to anything you want. Ask it to write an article on the rising cost of rice at the South Pole enough times, and it will eventually spit out an article that could have easily been written by a NYT journalist.

  • why hasn’t anyone else said anything,

    This question has been asked a million times. It has been shown time and time again that whether more people come forward has no correlation to how common something is. This is mostly because it’s really hard to do so while being bullied (which is really just abuse).

    Even an outside investigator might have issues getting the real story, and is biased due to being on the same payroll as all the other employees. I have had personal experience with this: an outside investigator called in to resolve a conflict with a person whose bullying had previously caused multiple people to quit. It was resolved “amicably” (which is to say not at all). An employer only gives a damn so far as their bottom line goes, and that goes for Linus too. This investigator is going to come in and tip-toe around LMG’s and Linus’s involvement in this, mark my words.

    Again, to summarize, Linus saying the things didn’t happen is exactly why people don’t come forward: my word vs the boss.