I think you meant monastery but yes, and it is Boreth. Borath (I doubled checked Memory Alpha for spelling) is a Vorta.
Okay, I’ll just accept it as silly. Cause the supernova didn’t occur till 2387.
How does Worf know about Kelvin Timeline? I thought it wasn’t discovered till 32nd century?
Under this rhetoric they sweep up even the pious Jewish.
Again, there is a different between hatred for the Jewish people and hate/dislike for the Israeli government and/or military. If you do not believe this, you are part of the problem.
As a U.S. citizen: fuck the U.S.
So realistically we never ended the Cold War.
Anyone who thinks Israel is still a state founded on the genocide of the Jewish race today is sadly mistaken. It is now a state built on seeking to dominate religious minorities founded on the collective unity of other states that handed over historically contested land that others had been living on.
So basically, let Russia do whatever they want and have no input from Ukraine.
The world needs to take a good hard look at Israel and realize they are repeating history.
I struggle to remember which series it was exactly (obviously prior to 2004). This is a memory I have etched in. My World History teacher in 10th grade gave an overview of the entire year’s curriculum on the first day. She had the class watch a large portion of what I believe was the last episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (possibly it was Victory Gundam; I only watched Fighter G Gundam). By the end she made it very clear that history repeats. That was the theme of her curriculum for the whole school year.
Right now we are seeing history repeat. This time it is the formerly oppressed committing the crimes against humanity and being aided by the rest of the globe. What did Palestine ever do to Israel except seek statehood? Why can’t we leave them alone?
On an unrelated note, that teacher was awesome. I remember the week leading into the lesson on World War I, they staged incidents where select students would pretend to misbehave and not be punished in any way by the teacher. These were elaborate scenes of shouting. The lesson you might ask? Secret alliances.
Considering the tiny holopods used in “ I, Excretus” could be monitored, why didn’t people try to view holodeck monitors during other situations where they know something has gone wrong? Wouldn’t that be helpful?
Famously Kim was supposed to return in PIC. He would have been promoted. However before the production began there had been script re-writes that removed them.
Since when did Deep Space Nine have weapons?
At least he didn’t go to the food replicator.
Can someone explain this? I haven’t played Portal.
I couldn’t watch it all. I felt embarrassed. What the fuck does Russian interference in a U.S. election have to do with Russia trying to take over Ukraine?
Clearly Trump believes he has some friendship with Putin that would influence this whole conflict.