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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’ll tell you why I won’t buy one.

    I’m not going to go into debt as much as a house would’ve cost me 20 years ago so I can drive a 10,000 pound explosive that I spend several hours a day charging, be asked to pull over to turn on Bluetooth, have a tracking device in my car, which the government can turn off if they like, have to fumble with a touch screen to turn up the air conditioner, have to pay rent for features built into the car and then have any features I purchased be non transferrable on the secondary market. These are all fuck you’s to me, so I say fuck you to them. Take your vendor lock in SAAS product and shove it up your ass. You want me to give a shit about emissions, fix all that, until then I’m driving a 20 year old beater.

  • Man, I’m using heliboard and it has the same problems openboard had and the same problems gboard has with regard to autocorrect. And it’s missing a lot of special characters, but I assume that’s a work in progress.

    You know what would really help the situation? You know how the spell checker underlines (or at least used to) incorrect words in red? It should underline corrected words in yellow or green or something. That way, when you’re going over what you’ve typed, the autocorrected gibberish won’t slip past you and will stand out. That would go a long way, but what would really improve it is if you could remove words from the dictionary that you don’t use, and go back to however the system worked 6 years ago because it was pretty light on the frustration.

  • I don’t buy it. Imagine writing an article about how a 250k house will cost you a million dollars by the time you die and shilling that as a good thing. Insane!

    Value goes up, taxes go up. Value goes down, you’re upside down on “your investment”. It’s a lose lose. A house isn’t an asset! It’s not an investment! An investment in what? Who’s doing the work to raise the value? You are! So it’s an investment in yourself? It’s an asset that you have to continue to pour capital into to keep it’s value? That’s not an asset, that’s a liability!

    I’ve got a friend that lives in a medium sized city in a large metro area. He pays the total value of his house every 10 years in taxes. That’s every 10 years, he’s re-paying off his house. Every year they raise the taxes by the maximum legal amount, every year he disputes it, every year he is denied.

    Water leaks. Mowing a yard. A new roof. Another pain in the ass every weekend.

    The idea that you’re not tied to a house after buying it is ridiculous. As if it’s a liquid asset you can just slap on Facebook marketplace and sell in a weekend.

    HOAs. You must select one of the approved paint colors. You can’t cut down that tree. You can’t plant that tree. You can’t park on the street in front of your house. You can’t work on your car in your driveway.

    What if you don’t want to buy a house as an investment? What if you want to you know, just own a place to live? Too bad. You’d better have a line of credit for emergency expenses on the house, you’d better have home equity, you’d better have a valuation higher than your liability in perpetuity or youret fucked. You can’t just have a home anymore, you have to manage an asset, or a liability.

    So that 200k savings you get by the time you croak according to the author’s math, is it worth the hassle? The neighbors telling you what to do, the municipality fleecing you for every dime they can get, the constant maintenance because a house is a liability, not an asset, that will crumble if you don’t pour money and time into it, the commute, the traffic, is it worth it?

    I would never, ever buy a house in a residential area, ever. The whole market is a god damn mess. Now, buying land somewhere rural and slapping up an A frame…