Senior parrots, birds, birding, rock swaps, crystals & stone-cutting. Sometimes I write funny dialogue for the birds in your photographs. I read books, & I vote!
Formerly known as Peachfront on Twitter & Instagram, & Amethyst Qu on Medium.
Haven’t owned domain in years but you may find my old trip reports at
Pro Tip: Diaryland does not have any www’s.
#birds #crystals #photography #fedi22 #books #writing #selfpublishing #birding #nature
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“i would have laughed if you told better jokes”-- grimly serious Laughing Falcon, probably
(PS- love these birbs!)
@GlassHalfHopeful @Peanutbuttergrits
not sure where they saw it, but if i saw it around here, i’d call it as Common Grackle
they do have that amount of brown but it’s a play of light type of thing where most of the time they just look like an all-over black bird until the light is striking their plumage at the right angle