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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • The more we use and recommend Linux the more of a chance we get of first party support in the future!

    I don’t think that has ever been the case. Hardware vendors are not very likely to listen to the whims of a tiny fraction of retail customers, especially the kind which don’t make them much money. Institutional clients are the only one who can have any such sway, and that too is a stretch in most cases.

    Whatever push desktop Linux support may get, it will be coming from enterprise customers. So if you have any influence on your company’s IT dept get them to ask for it, especially since this is a golden opportunity as the dissatisfaction with Windows is at an all-time high.

  • Simple solution is to let it resolve by itself with some govt help.

    Most of the problematic content you’ve mentioned is also illegal (hate speech, defamation, minor porn, etc) in democratic countries. Simply report the server hosting that to its countries’ authorities and the fediverse should be cleansed of it. I doubt there are many servers being hosted out of countries with mechanisms so broken that they’ll allow unrestricted access to highly illegal/harmful things on public forums.

    The threat of lawful persecution should be enough for deterrence.