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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • I imagine data security and what the government would know is putting some off. It is part of the reason the national ID (My Number) faltered.

    Off the top of my head, and I’m sure there are more, people use: tinder, bumble, Pairs, Zwei, Zekushi, and probably more. Pairs and Zwei, at least, are geared toward long-term and marriage. Pairs had a very bad UX and, of course, a cost. I did meet some people on there, but nothing lasted (one nearly did, but I wasn’t doing another LTR with a barely-functional alcoholic that otherwise was a great match).

  • I have an m3 now (I had an m1. I later found out about 3 other laptops had issues around the same time so I actually suspect something weird in remote management, but I don’t know mac well enough to assert that more). They decided that since I technically, however frustratingly and measurably more slowly, can do my work, it’s not worth the “security risk”. I still bring it up at basically every opportunity and I’m not the only one. I live in a very remote area of Japan and remote jobs are hard to come by, so, at the same time, I’m not making too much noise.

  • That really depends on the person, I think. I last used mac in like 2003 until last year with my new job. I hate almost everything about it. Nothing works the way I expect it to. I love clicking on an app in the dock just to have it… not show up? It gains focus and, wherever it is, will have input if I’m typing. Same with command+tab sometimes. I also can’t switch between fullscreen windows of the same app without installing something, apparently (my coworker who uses mac at home couldn’t figure it out either). It has slowed me down and made me less productive. Work won’t let us have linux laptops for whatever reason which, as a developer, would be so much nicer.