Macht hochspannende Autos ohne Dinosaurier-Antrieb…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023

  • Hmm. Would be a workaround, but not really what I have and like with 1P.

    I currently have collected about 650 items in my 1P vault. Actually that are two vaults, as I share one with my wife.

    And notes itself aren’t structured, they are just free text. I like to have structured items with specified fields where I can enter my info.

    Also I have several login Items where I don’t just have a user, password, OTP, domain, note. What about if it is a service where the same account is used on different websites? I can save only one domain per password?

    The iOS features are so basic, I can’t imagine switching to them. Although 1P keeps to suck more, as 1P8 is only available via subscription and the 1P7 browser plugin isn’t working properly anymore. :/

    Not a good situation currently.