Gone are the days where prospective moviegoers would roll up to the theaters and gawk at the board for their next watch. Theaters are trying to make up that business in other ways.
movie theater popcorn is super easy to make yourself with something like this. you can of course get all the components separately as below, but the all in one packs are a convenient way to try it out.
for 1 medium-ish bowl (easily doubled if you have a big enough vessel):
1/3 cup kernels (Orrville Red. works for me, the main thing for good popping is fresh kernels)
I know a lot of people swear by the stovetop method, but if you’re the kind of person who would somehow manage to burn cereal, a Whirlypop is 30 bucks well spent. Way fewer unpopped kernels than mocrowaving, and it stirs everything from the bottom so it’s almost impossible to burn.
movie theater popcorn is super easy to make yourself with something like this. you can of course get all the components separately as below, but the all in one packs are a convenient way to try it out.
for 1 medium-ish bowl (easily doubled if you have a big enough vessel):
1/3 cup kernels (Orrville Red. works for me, the main thing for good popping is fresh kernels)
~3 tablespoons of butter oil/topping
1/4-1/2 tsp flavacol depending on your salt level preference
(all this costs about $35 total and will last you quite a long time)
toss it all in a pot (or stainless steel mixing bowl) and mix around to distribute everything evenly.
turn the heat to medium and swirl the pot/bowl to keep everything moving and prevent burning.
when the pops slow down to once every few seconds you’re done.
add more butter topping to taste.
I know a lot of people swear by the stovetop method, but if you’re the kind of person who would somehow manage to burn cereal, a Whirlypop is 30 bucks well spent. Way fewer unpopped kernels than mocrowaving, and it stirs everything from the bottom so it’s almost impossible to burn.
And yes, flavacol is the magic ingredient!
It’s not easy to burn popcorn on the stove. Typical worse case scenario is a bunch of unpopped kernals
I would totally get a whirleypop if my kitchen wasn’t already overflowing with shit.