9 years later: You’re welcome!
9 years later: You’re welcome!
And fried instead of baked
I know the answer to your problem, do this thing
If it makes you feel better I wouldn’t be remotely put off by a response like that
I was content and managed just fine with paper maps and directions before smartphones. When I got my first one it rendered those devices obsolete for me.
Printing out the MapQuest directions. Keeping the Thomas Guide in your car.
I hear ya. I too was a late cell and smart- phone adopter.
If I couldn’t use them anymore I would be annoyed at first. But I would adjust and yes, would certainly lead a fulfilling life regardless.
I myself am in between both extremes. Here are some ways I remain old school even though I’ve bought into the smartphone era:
I remain in a real sense anti-app and keep them to a minimum on my phone. I keep their permissions as locked down as I can and I review every update pretty extensively. It’s ridiculous how everyone and their brother wants me to install their app. No thank you. I’m quite content getting up to adjust the thermostat and don’t need a fully automated smart home.
If I’m socializing with someone they get my full attention. If I need to look something up, respond to a text, etc I excuse myself.
When I’m out and about I’m present in my environment. “Smartphone zombie” behavior is foreign to me.
I take full advantage of the digital well being and bedtime features of my phone. I set timers for my addicting apps.
Oh, when I do drive I am hands off with my phone. If I really do need to use it then I pull over.
If you don’t find value in smartphones I can respect that
You’d have to pry my own from my cold, dead hands. I have a map of the entire world (mostly) in my pocket! That in itself I find invaluable. I use Google Maps all the time. To find places and to navigate to them. On foot, public transit, and car. Here and in other countries.
Sure, I used to manage before Maps was a thing but do I ever want to go back? Nope.
That is one killer feature for me
And yeah I definitely see how life changed for the worse because of them. I actively moderate my own behavior.
I do miss movie theater popcorn but otherwise streaming at home all the way
I actually saw The Matrix that way, wandering through the mall with my girlfriend after dinner, and the poster looked interesting to both of us. Hadn’t heard a thing about it. That was a cool experience.
That must’ve been awesome
That movie blew my mind and it’s one of the very few I paid to see multiple times in theaters. I think that one was four times.
It’s going to get worse
That’s a new one
I follow communities with the same theme in different instances
Granted, I am starting out, but this is something I wouldn’t do. Which I figure would cut down on seeing what you’re describing.
See Don’t kill my app! if you or the other affected people use Android
sudo apt install sonic