Sorry man, I’m all for mixed use streets and all but these sidewalks look very nice, they should use it. In my country I also walk sometimes on the street because the sidewalks are in terrible conditions sometimes yet the streets are in perfect condition! So that is
mildlySUPER infuriating to me. If they were always in a good state I would be glad to use them.We don’t have sidewalks in my community. Kids play in the streets and people are out walking on them all the time. Pushing strollers, walking their dogs, etc. The real difference is everyone is respectful. Cars drive slow and slow down more to go by giving extra space. Folks on the road move over and let the car go by. Kids collect up and move out of the way. A lot of the folks walking their dogs will step into the grass and wait. Everyone waves at each other. It’s like having a nice little community of friends that I never have to actually talk to. After living here for almost two years I strongly believe that I could stop and ask for help from any of them and I’d do the same. Kind of crazy reflecting on being that I’ve only ever talked to a few people, one of which only because she does crossing guard duties for the school crosswalk I take my son to in the golf cart.
I kinda understand him. If I have a sidewalk, I use it, simply because I don’t want to fucking get run over by a car. However, the comments are also quite disgusting.
I mean, say what you will about cars but the sidewalk is a dedicated lane for pedestrians. Walk on the street, fuck around and find out.
Plus if you’re walking in the road walk against the flow of cars not with. That way if a drunk driver (or just general asshole) comes swerving down the road you can see it and react.
my dad always said: walk facing toward traffic, and make eye contact with drivers, so they can be haunted by your face for the rest of their lives if they run you over.
Or you could just use the sidewalk?
A lot of the places I lived growing up didn’t have sidewalks.
Rural roads man.
90% of the streets in my neighborhood don’t have sidewalks and I live in a major city. Exactly half of one side of my block has a sidewalk
Unfortunately, you probably live in a formerly red lined area. This is a vestige of the past institutional racism from your city. But setting that aside, I was referring to the actual sidewalk present in the photo