i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.

edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out

  • _stranger_@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I wholely and completely reject every premise you propose here.

    1. Everyone who voted for Kamala knew it was a shit campaign. She started what like 100 days before the election? It’s incredible she ran a campaign at all! No one hates to hear this, it’s reality, and everyone knew it was coming the second Biden stepped down.

    2. Shit does not go both ways. Shit comes out of your ass, sometimes your mouth, and should never go the other way. If you are having medical issues where shit regularly goes both ways, please go see a doctor.

    3. Every single point against Kamala, except for one, is a worse point for our new dear orange leader. Want less skeletonized Palestinian kids? You definitely don’t want Trump in office. If you did anything to help that asshole become our new dear leader, then you absolutely didn’t give a shit about Palestine. OR, and here’s the real point, you believed some combination of bespoke bullshit convincing your absolutely dead brain you were making a good choice. And that assumes you’re even being genuine, and no trolling or shilling. If it was the latter (and it was absolutely the latter, don’t lie) then you’re an idiot.

    No one was “unable” to vote for Kamala. It made them uncomfortable. If they had read anything from outside their echo chamber, maybe they could have worked past that. Some of them decided to not vote at all, or vote third party, and all that did was make it easier for her to lose.

    Still at least you contribute to the conversation. The real tragedy is all those millions that looked up from TikTok when they saw a Mariah Carey meme just long enough to realize it’s not October anymore and oh look an ad…