How UnitedHealthā€™s Playbook for Limiting Mental Health Coverage Puts Countless Americansā€™ Treatment at Risk

Reporting Highlights

  • An Insurer Sanctioned: Three states found Unitedā€™s algorithmic system to limit mental health coverage illegal; when they fought it, the insurer agreed to restrict it.
  • A Patchwork Problem: The company is policing mental health care with arbitrary thresholds and cost-driven targets, highlighting a key flaw in the U.S. regulatory structure.
  • Unitedā€™s Playbook Revealed: The poorest and most vulnerable patients are now most at risk of losing mental health care coverage as United targets them for cost savings.

An article from a month ago about United Heathcares problematic coverage, which I believe is relevant again.

    3 months ago

    Good news. The board relented on the thoughts, but they were pretty firm on denying the prayers.