I’ve been using mov-cli and lobster to watch movies and series from the command line, I installed their lastest versions but they don’t seem to be working anymore. I really liked their simplicity of typing the title of a movie or series and start watching on mpv. Is there any other software that works in the same way?
Before I discovered VLC (some 20 years ago) I used to use mplayer. Not sure if it’s still being maintained though. It could display video using text output, frambuffer as well as via an x window.
My bad for asumming that most subscribers know what mov-cli and lobster do. What I’m asking for is a program that takes the title of a movie or series as an input from the command line and start scrapping movie sites and when the movie or series is found it starts streaming it to mpv.
I had no clue that was a thing. Sorry.
By “on the command line” you mean that you type a command, it starts an X server, and starts MPV with the movie? I mean, it should be possible to just write a script for that. Scripting isn’t really my forté though so I couldn’t tell you exactly.
no, he reads the 1’s and 0’s in real time. At least that’s my interpretation of OP
Oh, in that case all OP needs is
What mov-cli and lobster do is scrapping movie sites and start playing the movie you just typed by streaming.
All I see is red head