Looking for shows I can fall asleep too with my husband.
The little stuff we did watch in the past couple years was through the easy streaming sites. But those are always prone to missing episodes and random glitches so I thought getting back into torrenting would be fun.
Sidenote: if I remember correctly, its quite normal for some torrents to take a couple hours before a seeder turns up, right?
Are you aware of your operating system’s ability to screenshot?
Tactic to work around screenshot restrictions or (more likely here I imagine) to prevent automated moderation action?
couple hours? oftentimes a torrent with zero seeders is as good as dead, and a seeder might show up in days or weeks, most times never. best to find another torrent. also, and this is just a personal preference it’s worth the download time to kick it up a notch to 1080.
The monitor we own is ancient and 720p so were good ahah
It doesn’t hurt to keep the torrent running if you can’t find another source. There is still a very small chance that someone will seed it eventually. I’ve had stuff download after waiting for months.
it’s worth the download time to kick it up a notch to 1080
In general? Yes, 100%. For cartoons on a small screen? Debatable.
That is one of the reasons why I relay on usenent rather then on torrenting
I wish someone could rip and upload The Simpsons Complete Series Ultimate Collection Seasons 1-17 & Season 20
Why? What makes it different from grabbing each season individually?
Honestly I’m at the point where I just rent the discs and rip them losslessly (BDMV for movies, MKV for TV shows).
Waiting for seeders is definitely a thing, I once waited 8 months for a seeder to show up (and they did!)
Joe Pera Talks With You is pretty gosh darn wonderful to fall asleep to.
Would it still work with subtitles? My husband is deaf so if the comedy works a lot of with tone and stuff it wont work for us.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
I think it might work. A lot of what Joe Pera does is sort of deadpan humor anyway, so part of the joke is lack of tone or emotion. His voice is very calming because he’s sort of monotone.
Here is a link to the full episode of “Joe Pera Talks You Back to Sleep” which is a beautiful episode. Give it a shot and see what you think. The autogenerated closed captioning available on this episode seems mostly accurate to me. DVD copies have great subtitles, not sure about digital variants.
Hmm it’s not very “haha funny,” it’s more the vibe of it and the charm lies in his mundane but interesting demeanor. Watch a clip on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean. I have no idea how deafness would affect the experience, I’m sorry.
I’ll never stop being sad it got cancelled. I wear my Tree TV sweatshirt with pride.
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist is also in that wheelhouse of quiet, calm, and sweet. It also features H. Jon Benjamin of Bob’s Burgers fame.
Normal is a relative term. How many did the tracker say there were?
Most of them had between 5-50 active seeders, the majority around 20.
I’ll wait and see. I’m in no rush anyways.
It could be that your torrent program is firewalled, and unable to fully connect to all sharing peers.
If you’re using qBittorrent, to display the Status Bar, go to the menu item View > (check the box for) Status Bar
The Status Bar should appear a the bottom.
Just right of center, there should be an icon where if you hover your mouse over it, tells you your Connection Status, i.e. whether you’re connected or firewalled.
Then that’s probably okay. Is your DHT enabled?
Some trackers don’t update seeder info on the web page. Another possible reason is you are behing cgnat and most (all) of the peers are behind it as well, so you just can’t connect with each other.
Did you open your ports
Do you need open them? I’m using Deluge and it is able to leech and seed, only having to wait at most 1 minute for data to come through. I remember having problems with Transmission (the torrent client) though.
And I also imagine it’s likely not an option to open ports, as most people are behind a CNAT (unless maybe the adoption of IPv6 by many ISPs (not mine) changed that?)
It can work but your will not connect to very many of the available seeds which is probably why op is sitting on 0% torrents with ~20 seeds.
Your client may also be configured to use upnp
Go to usenet, it is way better, or IRC if these torrent are slow.
Could you explain what this is? A torrent aggregator?
I was using torrent galaxy.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol for messaging and XDCC is a file sharing method that it uses.
IRC: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/k08hje/when_people_say_irc_is_dead
Usenet is basically the first forum to exist on the internet and people discovered that they could share files by encoding them into messages, for example lets say I take a file encode and divide it over a 1000 tweets. I would also make a file called NZB to find the messages and share it, so people could download it. Usenet still exists for file sharing, but it is paid. You would need an indexer that finds the files and a usenet service. Honestly you could get both indexer and the usenet service for as cheap as $2.5 per month way cheaper than Netflix.
For more info about usenet check out: https://reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/faq
Doesn’t usenet cost money? Why should i pay for something that public trackers does almost ass well?
I though the same too, but realized that it is easier than looking for torrents with seeders. I used to pay more for netflix than what I currently pay for Usenet. Torrenting these days isn’t the same as years ago, many public torrent sites closed. I selfhost a server that basically does everything for me I only need to pick the show to download. You can try usenet for free, usenet.farm offer a 10 GB block to trial Usenet, also the indexer NZBGeek offer a trial if I am not wrong.
Don’t you need an indexer and some other service too. I’ve got a server too, and to be honest, I’ve noticed the decline. But right now, even 15 dollars a month is a bit much for me.
NZBGeek an indexer offer a trial and Usenet farm offer a 10 GB trial if you want to test it. If you want usenet to get it you look for deals. You got two ways for usenet either ultimate or block (basically prepaid you pay for data and they don’t expire you get them forever)
Block 6 TB for €15 (2800+ retention ) : https://bulknews.eu/en/ and use the code bf241.
NZBGeek an indexer costs $12 a year they also offer deals throughout unfortunately black Friday is over so no deals now.
If you got this you get a total of $27.62 for the year which is $2.3 per month.
Of course if you are comfortable with torrent just stay on torrent and maybe use IRC for anything you can’t find a torrent for.
I usually have 4 torrentleech invites that go to waste every month, hmu if you want one. All I ask is you dont hit n run.
EDIT: all gone for December.
Thanks for the offer it’s really kind but I have everything I need with public torrents.
If you ever change your mind feel free to DM
deleted by creator
Welcome back.
Uh-huh. Wait till you realise that the 1080p streams you saved a decade ago have a higher file size, lower bitrate, and noticeable encoding artefacts. Compare that to the 1080p streams you can get from various cartoon sites today, and you shall see that you’ve bamboozled yourself!
(I mean, you can just update your archive with newer higher quality stuff, but I need this moral grandstanding)
How is it moral to pay for a service that doesn’t give you the option to buy a physical copy?
I’m not saying it is. I’m saying you lose on quality with archived rips.
Man, I gave up on torrenting. I can’t figure out how to keep my ISP from seeing it and every time I try, I get a threatening email. They don’t give a shit about Soulseek, apparently, so at least I have my music.
Tribler has it’s own in-built onion routing. That might be difficult for your ISP to identify. Idk
Thanks for the link. I’ll give it a look.
Sounds interesting thanks!
Use a VPN? If you’re using containers, you can bind qbittorrent to gluetun to prevent leaks
I used a VPN (Proton) and it didn’t do shit. I am not using containers because I’m not even sure what that is, what it does, or how it works, and I’ve never heard of gluetun. I need instructions. Not a fucking manual to try to sort through and figure out. Not vague names of things I may or may not be able to find through a search engine Instructions. A tutorial. Something. Shit’s gotten way too convoluted since I last torrented over almost 20 years ago.
If you’re using proton and your isp found out, something is configured wrong or working incorrectly. (or user error 😢)
Honestly, I’ve come to seriously dislike Proton. Yeah, it’s cool they don’t log any data, but they’re starting the ai shit and their fucking UPGRADE NOW shit everywhere just because I use the free email (I have literally zero use for any of the paid features). It’s commercializing and enshittifying rapidly.
I contacted Proton’s support and everything was configured correctly. My ISP is Verizon (I don’t have a choice) and they’re the kind of fucks that would do deep packet sniffing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why.
They shouldn’t be able to see anything except encrypted wireguard traffic. Are you sure all torrent-related traffic is going through the VPN (e.g. requests to indexers) and that traffic stops flowing when the VPN connection drops?
Yeah, it was the stand-alone app, not the browser extension. When it’s on, everything goes through it.
Have you verified that? I would start by checking (with wireshark) for any non-wireguard traffic coming from your machine
Binding VPN to torrent client didn’t work?
where do you guys torrent (other than TPB)
Torrentleech is your best bet for a easy to get into private tracker that is good quality. Lots of x265. You can also try iptorrents which is also quite easy to get into but the quality control is closer to TPB except they would probably delete malicious stuff.
But if you’re gonna do public trackers you should most definitely get a seedbox.
TorrentLeech is easy enough without a seedbox, especially if you’ve enough storage to seed lots of content and collect bonus points. On other sites I do agree though.
But if you’re gonna do public trackers you should most definitely get a seedbox.
I misread and wrote the sentence above thinking you wrote “private trackers”. Did you mistype? I’d say a VPN + binding to the network interface is enough for public trackers.
I use 1337x.to (http://l337xdarkkaqfwzntnfk5bmoaroivtl6xsbatabvlb52umg6v3ch44yd.onion/). I don’t know if there’s anything better though, but all public pirating sites seem to have the same stuff.
Check /r/opensignups on reddit and make sure you read the rules of the trackers you try to join.