I mean on the one hand, I could take the two minutes right now. On the other hand, I could lie awake for another half an hour thinking about this thing I could easily take care of immediately, and then later on take time out of my day to actually do it. It’s an easy choice which is a better management of time, I’ll be back in bed in a minute.

Alright, now that I’ve had a full minute back and comfy and tucked in again I’ve thought up another task that’s even less time-consuming than the last one.

  • Jtskywalker@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I keep a pocket notebook with me at all times and use a kind of bullet journal lite method to keep track of stuff. This happens to me a lot, but if I just write down the thing, knowing I have a process to make sure I’ll actually read that note later (that’s the hard part) let’s me get that thing off of my mind and prevents me from losing hours of sleep to an ADHD “this’ll just take a minute” hyperfocus trap.

    That being said, I teleported from 8:45pm to 10:45pm last night (much to the annoyance of my poor wife) just tinkering with a couple of things on my 3d printer, and also forgot to eat dinner. So it’s not a perfect solution 😅