Me: “Man, I love chocolate so much, it’s a shame it makes my throat feel so tight and sore.”
My mom: “Hey Ash… You’re not allowed to eat chocolate any more…”
World’s biggest Monster Hunter fan
Me: “Man, I love chocolate so much, it’s a shame it makes my throat feel so tight and sore.”
My mom: “Hey Ash… You’re not allowed to eat chocolate any more…”
Ah, well that would do it then haha. I guess I just assumed you were on linux based on the community. It also runs silky smooth for me on my windows partition, so at least I’m not totally high and dry here!
I have a 4070, the beta is unplayably laggy on linux for me. What’s your setup?
The benchmark runs great for me at least, aside from a tiny bit of geometry explosion at one segment.
You aren’t wrong, they’re definitely significantly more clunky, but they also absolutely have their own charm to them. If you’re a fan of “older” game design they might really appeal to you. There’s a much greater focus on the out-of-hunt preparation phase, and while the lack of many QOL features might be frustrating to some players, to others it adds to the personality of the games. They’re definitely games worth trying if you’re interested in retro gaming, or in Monster Hunter history, and they’re all easily emulatable.
That being said though, most players should probably just stick to the newer games, it truly cannot be overstated how much of a leap World was for the franchise. The amount of quality of life features and gameplay improvements is staggering, and going backwards from that can be a bit jarring.
Monster Hunter. There’s tons of recurring stuff between games due to the nature of the series, but other than being able to go “hey, I recognize that from this other game!” there’s no reason to play the games in any particular order. I’d normally recommend World or Rise to new players, but with Wilds coming out in a month I’d say that’s the best option if you have the hardware for it. Wilds is a thematic sequel to World though, so starting with World before Wilds is something you might consider, though it’s not really necessary.
Image transcription:
[An image composed of text at the top, followed by two pictures, each described as follows:
text: "Sometimes I text my wife the motivational quotes from her tampon when she has her period to try and cheer her up
picture 1: Three tampon packages. Each one is labelled with a different motivational quote.They read “Live fearlessly!”, “Walk like a champion.”, and “Be unstoppable.”
picture 2: a screenshot of an imessage conversation. The first message, blue, reads “Live fearlessly”. The second message, grey, reads “I swear to god, go fuck yourself”]
end image transcription.
The lindor master chocolatier snapping my spine like a fresh chocolate bar:
Probably Monster Hunter World’s Fatalis. That’s the only fight I’ve ever had to genuinely grind for multiple days to beat. It was 100% worth it though, the feeling of bringing him down for the first time was unmatched.
my personal favourite is Laputa Castle in the Sky
It’s not technically Ghibli, but Nausicaa is another fantastic movie by Miyazaki
Build a Little World with Me - Laura Shigihara still hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes, but I’m also a total crybaby who has songs that I can literally break down crying just by reading the name of.
4 copies of “The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t a Guy At All”? Based as all hell.
wait the voices of the void robots are real?!?!?
so you want to have nuanced and reasonable discussions on the internet?
looks like a custard bowl to me, which are indeed super smol
Everything seems normal to me, the mini-pizza might be throwing you off
I just say “sister dearest”. In every situation.
Absolutely, if you make your own. I’ve actually seen them in a restaurant once too, they were pretty damn good! Not nearly as bad as the other commenters are thinking. More the texture of a fry than a soggy chip.
Ants I guess
"Here’s to our lives being meaningless, and how beautiful it is
Because freedom doesn’t have a purpose"