
Just discovered the displayname feature.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2020


  • Oh wow this thread goes way back. I know what happened here it wasn’t defederation but simply Beehaw doing it’s ideological thing. I was banned on their instance because I am a socialist much like every other socialist that makes an account here and attempts to post or comment over there.

    They alos claim they only defederate for “hate speech” but this is nonsense. They have Hexbear defederated and yet that is the only instance in the entire fediverse with visible pronouns next to usernames, and they crack down far harder on hate speech than any other instance that exists.

    The reality of Beehaw is that they are an ideologically motivated neoliberal instance that repress any opposition while pretending that they do not.

    EDIT: OH and the irony of their defederation with Hexbear is that it’s not even federated with ANYONE as it was using a fork of Lemmy without federation until very recently.

  • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlLemmy is being gentrified
    1 year ago

    A lot of the people that have come over aren’t people who want decentralisation. They are people who don’t give a shit but are unhappy with reddit.

    They haven’t learned WHY reddit is making this decision. They have no understanding of why IPOs and privately owned companies will always lead to this. They do not understand.

    They are just people that want their content slop, but are also mad. They don’t actually care how the slop is delivered to them they just know they want it and know they’re mad at reddit.

    The result is that they want to come somewhere else and behave exactly like it is reddit, when it is not.

  • “Whataboutism”. Bruh.

    If you say something is bad you are INHERENTLY making a comparison to other things. You can not call one thing bad without benchmarking it against other things and gauging a comparison of a range of good to bad.

    It is important to benchmark this because it highlights unexamined chauvinism, sinophobia and internal hypocrisy that you have. You have an extreme emotional reaction to anything Chinese and make the claim they’re horrific but you don’t actually compare the reality of the west with what China is. You claim they are the worst, you have done this multiple times in the thread, this is YOU making the comparison to others so OF COURSE I’m going to examine whether your comparison is remotely accurate.

    I will end this interaction by pointing you to this list of US atrocities, managed by Dessalines himself.

    Tell me again how China is the worst one here.

    Do you spend this much time attacking America? Or the rest of the west? No you don’t. Despite the fact they are objectively and measurably worse. Because you’re a chauvinist that has never done one ounce of self crit or examined your own contradictions.

  • The US government has backdoors into every single US-based tech platform (which is basically all of them) and you’re concerned about China doing mass surveillance?

    You are under mass surveillance. Five Eyes and other intelligence sharing alliances are a means of circumventing national privacy laws, the US has Britain do mass surveillance on US citizens and then that data is shared to the NSA and stored, the US does mass surveillance on British, NZ, Aus citizens and then that data is shared to them and stored by their intelligence services. The collective west has the largest and most comprehensive global mass surveillance apparatus in the world and yet you’re utterly obsessed with China. Why? Five Eyes, Nine Eyes and it’s now all the way up to Fourteen Eyes.

    Take off the propaganda goggles and look at the immense proportions of the western apparatus first. You seem to be utterly blind to the fact everything you see about China is MASSIVE projection from the west who are 20-30 years ahead of China in terms of this apparatus.

    And to answer your question, China’s law does not exempt the government. They require a warrant to access that data unlike in america and parts of europe.

  • which is like the most anti-privacy organization on the planet.

    China passed new data privacy laws that are as strong as Europe’s GDPR at the end of last year, when is the last time America improved data privacy instead of harming it? Their data protection is much much stronger than America’s and much like europe they dump fines in the millions on companies that break it now. It’s arguably stronger than europe.